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Grebe Social Data Aggregator License: AGPL v3

Grebe aggregates geo-fenced Canadian Twitter data for research in sociology and public health. View our demo to see how the data collected by Grebe can be analyzed and visualized in various ways.

Please cite the following publication when using our source code for your research.

  title = {{Context Prediction in the Social Web Using Applied Machine Learning: A Study of Canadian Tweeters}},
  author = {Samuel, Hamman and Noori, Benyamin and Farazi, Sara and Zaiane, Osmar},
  booktitle = {IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI)},
  pages = {230--237},
  year = {2018},
  organization = {IEEE}


A working live web app is available for demo purposes.

Grebe Web App Demo


  1. For hosting, you can use IaaS with Cybera or Digital Ocean, PaaS with OpenShift or Heroku, or just use your laptop/computer (not recommended due to space and processing limitations).
  2. Install Python.
  3. Install Flask by using pip install flask.
  4. Install Flask's HTTP Auth dependency via pip install flask-httpauth.
  5. Install TwitterAPI via pip install TwitterAPI.
  6. Install MariaDB.
  7. Run the SQL commands in schema.sql to set up a database.
  8. Edit to enter your database username and password.
  9. Install the MySQL Connector via pip install mysql-connector.
  10. Install Python MySQL Connector by using pip install mysql-connector-python-rf.


  1. Aggregate tweets by running
  2. Initialize cache by running scripts/
  3. View web app by running webapp/

Aggregating Tweets

  1. Sign up for a Twitter Developer account.
  2. Set up your Twitter API keys.
  3. Edit and enter your API keys.
  4. In a terminal, use the following command to run the aggregator python [status | search | stream].
  5. If you want to aggregate data automatically, set up instances of the command above to run at scheduled intervals, for example as a cron job or Task Scheduler.

Initializing Cache

  1. To visualize and display data faster in the web app, the cache directory is set in as HOME_DIR.
  2. To set up the cache, run python [data tags stats] from the scripts folder.
  3. Clean up your cache directory regularly so it doesn't fill your drive, a sample bash script is provided here that can be set up to run regularly (replace HOME_DIR with the actual path to your directory).
LIMIT="1000000" # 1GB
SIZE=$(du --apparent-size HOME_DIR | cut -f1)
if (($SIZE > $LIMIT))
    rm -f HOME_DIR/*
    echo "Cache cleared"
    echo "Cache preserved"

Viewing Web App

  • In a terminal from the webapp folder, use the command python to run the Flask server.
  • In your web browser, go to
  • When using IaaS hosting, you can serve the Flask web app using uWSGI.
  • PaaS hosting configurations depend on the provider, but here is one for Heroku.


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