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URL Shortener

Supported Development Environments

  • Visual Studio (Windows)
  • Visual Studio for Mac (MacOS)
  • Visual Studio Code (Windows/MacOS/Linux)

Environment Setup

  1. Install .NET Core

  2. Install SQL Server

  3. Install Docker

  4. Set user secrets, if you want to run the application outside docker for debugging and other scenarios

$ cd <repo_path>/UrlShortener/src/UrlShortener
$ dotnet user-secrets set 'HttpClient:Github:Token' '<Token>'
$ dotnet user-secrets set "ConnectionStrings:Database" "<Database_Connection_String>"
$ dotnet user-secrets set "Seq:ApiKey" "<Api_Key>"
$ dotnet user-secrets set "LaunchDarkly:SdkKey" "<SdkKey>"

Development with Visual Studio

  1. Install Visual Studio
  2. Open Solution file

Development with Visual Studio Code

  1. Install VS Code.
  2. Install C# extension (ms-vscode.csharp) in VS Code.
  3. Open the folder containing the .sln file

Install Seq for local development logging

  1. Install Seq
  2. After installing browse at default url http://localhost:5341/

LaunchDarkly Service

  1. Create your [LaunchDarkly][] account
  2. Create Feature Flag

Running the App

Run Locally

$ cd <repo_path>/UrlShortener
$ dotnet run --project .\src\UrlShortener\UrlShortener.csproj --environment "Development" --launch-profile https

Run with Docker

  1. Set environment variables in docker-compose file
      - ConnectionStrings__Database=<Database_Connection_String>
      - HttpClient__Github__Token=<Token>
$ cd <repo_path>/UrlShortener
$ docker-compose up
# if changes have been made, you will need to build them before running docker-compose up:
$ docker-compose build

Other useful docker commands

# Command to build
$ docker build --rm -t iamrks/urls:latest .

# Command to run
$ docker run -p 5000:8080 iamrks/urls

# To run in background
$ docker run -d -p 5000:8080 iamrks/urls

# To Stop
$ docker ps
$ docker stop <container_id>

# To list docker images
$ docker images

# To remove a image
$ docker rmi iamrks/urls --force

.Net Aspire

  1. Add .Net Aspire Service Default Project to solution
  2. Then add reference and update Program.cs
  3. Check Commit


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