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Browser Capabilities PHP Project

This is a userland replacement for PHP's native get_browser() function, which is officially supported by the Browser Capabilities Project.

Note that you are currently viewing the 3.x series. If you're looking for any 2.x version, please read the documentation for that branch here.

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Run the command below to install via Composer

composer require browscap/browscap-php 

Then you may identify the current user agent this way:

use BrowscapPHP\Browscap;

$browscap = new Browscap();
$info = $browscap->getBrowser();

Recommended Setup

Before you can start, you have to download the browscap.ini file and convert it into a cache. There are two ways.

a. Download the file and convert it in two steps. The downloaded file will be stored in a local file, but there is no check if the remote file has changed. If your cache gets corrupted you only need to rerun the convert command.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:fetch
vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:convert

b. Download the file and convert it in one step. The downloaded file will not be stored in a local file, but there is a check if the remote file has changed. If your cache gets corrupted you have clean the cache and restart the process.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:update

If you want to autoupdate the used cache, we recommend a separate cron job that calls the command listed above.

What's changed in version 3.x


  • the namespace was changed to BrowscapPHP
  • the Browscap class was split into pieces
    • for caching the WurflCache package is used
    • for downloading the browscap.ini the FileLoader package is used

Removed features

  • the autoupdate function was removed
  • all public properties were removed

New features

  • now it is possible to use other caches than the file cache (see the WurflCache package formore information)
  • now it is possible to write your own formatter to change the output format
  • now it is possbile to set a PSR-3 compatible logger

Setup Examples

Update your setup to version 3.x

This is the base setup in version 2.x.

// setup in version 2.x
$bc = new \phpbrowscap\Browscap($cacheDir);
$result = $bc->getBrowser();

Change this to the base setup for version 3.x. to use the v2 cache directory

$bc = new \BrowscapPHP\Browscap();
$adapter = new \WurflCache\Adapter\File([\WurflCache\Adapter\File::Dir => $cacheDir]);
$result = $bc->getBrowser();

Note: In version 2.x a cache directory was required, but version 3.x has a default directory. If you don't require a specific cache directory, the setup becomes more simple.

$result = (new \BrowscapPHP\Browscap())->getBrowser();

Setting up a logger

If you want to log something that happens with the detector you may set an logger. This logger has to implement the PSR3 logger interface from Psr\Log

$bc = new \BrowscapPHP\Browscap();
$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('name');

Setting up a Memcache

If you don't want to use a file cache, you may change the cache adapter. This cache adapter has to implement the adapter interface from WurflCache\Adapter\AdapterInterface

$memcacheConfiguration = [
    'host'             => '', // optional, defaults to ''
    'port'             => 11211,       // optional, defaults to 11211
    'namespace'        => 'wurfl',     // optional, defaults to 'wurfl'
    'cacheExpiration'  => 0,           // optional, defaults to 0 (cache does not expire), expiration time in seconds
    'cacheVersion'     => '1234',      // optional, default value may change in external library
$adapter = new \WurflCache\Adapter\Memcached($memcacheConfiguration);
$bc = new \BrowscapPHP\Browscap();

NOTE: Please look into the WurflCache package for infomation about the other cache adapters.

Using the full browscap.ini file

$bc = new \BrowscapPHP\BrowscapUpdater();

Setting up a proxy configuration

If you are behind a proxy or need a spcific configuration, you have to set up a client instance. See into the Guzzle documentation for more information about this.

$proxyConfig = [
    'proxy' => [
        'http'  => 'tcp://localhost:8125',
        'https' => 'tcp://localhost:8124',
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client($proxyConfig);
$bcu = new BrowscapUpdater();

Usage Examples

Taking the user agent from the global $_SERVER variable

$bc = new \BrowscapPHP\Browscap();
$current_browser = $bc->getBrowser();

Using a sample useragent

$bc = new \BrowscapPHP\Browscap();
$current_browser = $bc->getBrowser($the_user_agent);

the CLI commands

In version 3 some CLI commands were added.

NOTE: If you don't want to use a file cache, you could not use the CLI commands. It is not possible to use other caches there at the moment. NOTE: Each operation (fetch, update, check-update) which fetches data from the remote host may run into the rate limit of that site. If this happens an Exception is thrown.


If you only want to check if a new version of the browscap.ini is available, you can use the check-update command.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:check-update


  • debug (optional) if set more messages are printed to the console
  • cache (optional) the relative path to your cache directory


The fetch command downloads an ini file from

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:fetch


  • debug (optional) if set more messages are printed to the console
  • remote-file (optional) only required if you dont want to download the standerd file, possible values are
    • PHP_BrowscapINI downloads the standard file (default)
    • Lite_PHP_BrowscapINI downloads the lite file
    • Full_PHP_BrowscapINI downloads the full file
  • file (optional) the relative path to the local file where the remote content is stored


The convert command reads a local stored browscap.ini file and writes the contents into a cache.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:convert


  • file (optional) the relative path to the local file where the remote content is stored, this should be the same file as in the fetch command
  • debug (optional) if set more messages are printed to the console
  • cache (optional) the relative path to your cache directory


The update command downloads an ini file from and writes the contents into a cache. No local files are created.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:update


  • debug (optional) if set more messages are printed to the console
  • remote-file(optional) only required if you dont want to download the standerd file, possible values are
    • PHP_BrowscapINI downloads the standard file (default)
    • Lite_PHP_BrowscapINI downloads the lite file
    • Full_PHP_BrowscapINI downloads the full file
  • cache (optional) the relative path to your cache directory


The parse command parses a given user agent and writes the result to the console.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:parse


  • user-agent (required) the user agent which should be parsed
  • debug (optional) if set more messages are printed to the console
  • cache (optional) the relative path to your cache directory


The log command parses a single access log file or a directory with access log files and writes the results into an output file.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:log


  • output (required) the path to a log file where the results are stored
  • debug (optional) if set more messages are printed to the console
  • cache (optional) the relative path to your cache directory
  • log-file (optional) the relative path to an access log file
  • log-dir (optional) the relative path to directory with the log files
  • include (optional) a glob compatible list of files which should be included, only used in comination with the log-dir option
  • exclude (optional) a glob compatible list of files which should be excluded from parsing, only used in comination with the log-dir option

NOTE: One of both options log-file and log-dir is required. NOTE: At the moment only Apache access logs are supported.

CLI Examples

Updating the cache using the full browscap.ini file

Note: Both ways to create/update the cache will use the standard mode file as default. If you want more detailed information you may change this with the remote-file option. Please use the help function this parameter.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:update --remote-file Full_PHP_BrowscapINI

Updating a custom cache dir

Each operation expect fetch uses a cache inside the resources directory inside the project. If you update this library with composer, the cache is cleared also. If you want to avoid this and want to set your own cache folder, you can use the cache option. If you do this, you have to set a Cache Instance for this this path.

vendor/bin/browscap-php browscap:update --cache ./browscap-cache

Issues and feature requests

Please report your issues and ask for new features on the GitHub Issue Tracker at

Please report incorrectly identified User Agents and browser detect in the browscap.ini file here:


Officially supported Browscap for PHP







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  • PHP 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%