- This is a 2D alien shooting game for our class CENG453
- It includes both single player and multiplayer
You should create database tables using SQL queries in the /backend/User.sql and /backend/Score.sql.
You should fill your database credentials in /backend/src/main/resources/application.properties
You can find the unit tests of the servers in /test folder of the related folders(e.g. multiplayer , backend)
GUI test cases are in the $ROOT/frontend/GUITest.docx
Extract frontend.jar
cd $ROOT/frontend/
mvn clean compile assembly:single
Extract backend.war
cd $ROOT/backend/
mvn clean package
Extract multiplayer.war
cd $ROOT/multiplayer/
mvn clean package
Copy executable files to the executable folder
cp $ROOT/frontend/target/frontend.jar $ROOT/executables/
cp $ROOT/backend/target/backend.war $ROOT/executables/
cp $ROOT/multiplayer/target/multiplayer.war $ROOT/executables/
Run server applications in any server
Also note that, backend and multiplayer application is using port 8080
and 8082
java -jar executables/backend.war
java -jar executables/multiplayer.war
Then , execute frontend application in your local computer or anywhere else with internet connection
java -jar executables/frontend.jar
In the first screen , give backend and multiplayer applications' location as server address
For example if you execute server applications in your local computer:
Backend server address = http://localhost:8080
Matcher(multiplayer server) server address = http://localhost:8082
After successful sign up and login you can play single and multiplayer
with LEFT
buttons on your keyboard.
Additionally, you can see your highest scores in the leaderboard.
For more detailed information about GUI please refer to /frontend/GUITest.docx