- Hugo - Static site generator
- Hugo Pipes - Asset pipeline
- Netlify - Hosting and deployment
- Github - Source code repository
- Bash - Bash script to create new module structures
brew install hugo
hugo server
./create_module <module-name>
All CYF repos use the Prettier standard. However, Prettier doesn't have golang by default so you must install a plugin for it to work in VSCode. I've included it in a package.json. The only thing this package does is install the golang linter for prettier.
npm i
To add content via Github, open a PR, following the CONTRIBUTING.md guidelines and PR template.
Code Your Future helps people who need it most to reach their goal of working in tech. Our innovative programme supports people all the way into secure employment as a software engineer.
Our trainees are people living in poverty, disabled people, long term unemployed, refugees, asylum seekers, ex-offenders, single parents, and anyone else facing material barriers to digital education and employment in tech.
Our graduates work in great companies including Capgemini, Deloitte, JP Morgan, Financial Times, AWS, Thoughtworks, the BBC, AND Digital and many more.
All our classes are free and our teachers are volunteers. Our volunteers are professionals working in the local tech sector and they lead our course delivery.
We build communities and networks of inclusion everywhere we go, bringing different worlds together, and integrating people into their local communities, teachers and learners both. We come together for a live session at the weekend, and trainees work through coursework and projects 20 hours a week, independently around their commitments, including day jobs.
CYF was founded by migrants for refugees, and now welcomes everyone facing material barriers to technical education. Starting with a class of 6 people in 2016, and growing every day, we have helped over 240 people start their career in tech.
Our PERN software development programme is part-time, vocational and practical. We teach functional programming with React, Jest, Postgres, Node, Express. We press hard on Agile, teamworking, conflict management, and self-study. We drill with Codewars problems and Codility tech tests for discipline and fluency, and encourage self-directed passion projects for creativity and innovation.
We do our work in public; our courses are free and open source and we develop them in public as FOSS projects on Github. Right here!
To graduate at CYF our trainees must deliver, deploy, and demo a working MVP of a full-stack web application, typically for a real NGO we partner with, in a cross-functional Agile team.
In this curriculum you'll find the content that we teach at CodeYourFuture. For other operational details you should read our documentation website.
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!