🗣 Hacktoberfest encourages participation in the open-source community, which grows bigger every year. Complete the challenge and get a tree planted on your name showing your love towards mother Earth 🌍
📢 Register here for Hacktoberfest and make four pull requests (PRs) between October 1st-31st 🔥.
- Fork this Repository using the button at the top on the right corner.
- Make sure the forked repository is ahead of all latest changes. If not, update to commits ahead and then proceed for editing.
- Use Git if you are familiar with VScode and use git commands to propose changes through VScode.
- You can also directly commit changes on GitHub itself; just make sure that the code files are running, preprocessed, and giving accuracy, otherwise they won't be merged.
- Choose any dataset from the datasets folder.
- Create a new file in the models folder.
- Inside the 'models' folder, add a Jupyter notebook with your machine learning model.
- Ensure that the model achieves an accuracy of at least 55 percent.
- Include a README in the folder with instructions on how to use the model and information about its accuracy.
- Make a pull request to add your project to the models folder.
To get approval of the pull request much quicker and faster, (Follow Me)🚀
Shriyansh Sharma
- Make sure to follow our Code of Conduct when contributing.
This project is under the MIT License.
We encourage you to contribute, learn, and grow in the field of machine learning. Happy Hacking and Happy Hacktoberfest!