The price feeder is a tool that validators use to submit oracle prices to Imua nodes.
This tool fetches token prices from off-chain sources such as CEX
and DEX
, then submits this price information to the Imua blockchain network as a standard Cosmos SDK transaction. Once the submitted prices from validators reach the voting power threshold, they achieve consensus on-chain and become the final price.
- Subscribe to a new block.
- Retrieve prices from off-chain sources.
- Submit a transaction with the price data to update the oracle price on-chain.
make install
Or check out the latest release.
pricefeeder --config path/to/config/config.yaml --sources path/to/sources/config start -m [mnemonic of validator's consensus key]
This command starts a process that continuously fetches price information from sources. It monitors the height changes of imuachain and sends price quote transactions to the imua blockchain during quote windows, according to the oracle parameter settings.
- token: ETHUSDT
sources: chainlink
- token: NSTETH
sources: beaconchain
- token: TESTTOKEN
sources: source1, source2, source3
mnemonic: "wonder myself quality resource ketchup occur stadium shove vicious situate plug second soccer monkey harbor output vanish then primary feed earth story real like"
path: /Users/xx/.tmp-imuad/config
chainid: imuachaintestnet_233-1
appName: imua
ws: !!str ws://
rpc: !!str
grpc: !!str :50051
For mnemonic used by validator to sign transactions (which should be ed25519 private-key corresponding to validator's consensus key), the priority is:
- cli: --mnemonic flag
- config file: sender.mnemonic
- config file: search priv_validator_key.json from sender.path
- oracle_env_chainlink.yaml (path/to/sources/config/oracle_env_chainlink.yaml)
mainnet: !!str
sepolia: !!str
ETHUSDT: 0x5f4eC3Df9cbd43714FE2740f5E3616155c5b8419_mainnet
AAVEUSDT: 0x547a514d5e3769680Ce22B2361c10Ea13619e8a9_mainnet
AMPLUSDT: 0xe20CA8D7546932360e37E9D72c1a47334af57706_mainnet
WSTETHUSDT: 0xaaabb530434B0EeAAc9A42E25dbC6A22D7bE218E_sepolia
STETHUSDT: 0xCfE54B5cD566aB89272946F602D76Ea879CAb4a8_mainnet
- oracle_env_beaconchain.yaml (path/to/sources/config/oracle_env_beaconchain.yaml
!!str 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee_0x65
We provide command-line tools for sending price quote transactions manually through an interactive interface
pricefeeder --config path/to/config/config.yaml debug send-imm --feederID [1] '{"base_block":160,"nonce":2,"price":"99907000000","det_id":"123","decimal":8,"timestamp":"2024-12-27 15:16:17"}'
pricefeeder --config path/to/config/config.yaml debug
This will start a grpc service to monitor the heighs change of imuachain, and serves the 'send create-price tx' request
pricefeeder --config path/to/config/config.yaml debug send --feederID [1] --height [160] '{"base_block":160,"nonce":2,"price":"99907000000","det_id":"123","decimal":8,"timestamp":"2024-12-27 15:16:17"}'
The command will send the request of 'sending a creat-price tx on specified height' to the grpc server started.