Voice assistant which is programmed to automate and perform tasks like playing songs and videos, searching Wikipedia for information, tells jokes, tells interesting facts, reciting latest news , telling real time weather forecast.
It is an AI powered project (it uses Speech Recognition module) which is made using python programming.
To speak out, or text to speech
pip install pyttsx3
For advance control on browser
pip install pywhatkit
To get wikipedia data
pip install wikipedia
To get funny jokes
pip install pyjokes
For News
pip install PyNews
Opens a wepage : Youtube ,Google, Github , StackOverflow
Human : Hey Python , Open Youtube
Predicts time
Human : Hey Python , What is the time
Play a song
Human : Hey Python , Play dispatchio
Tells a Joke
Human : Hey Python , tell me a joke
Seach anything in Wikipedia
Human : Hey Python , Search in Wikipedia who is Albert Einstein
Recite LATEST News
Human : Hey Python , whats the latest news
Recite the TRENDING News
Human : Hey Python , whats the trending news