Project Homebot is a home automation experiment. It consists of 'bots' that send data such as temperature, pressure & humidity (called Horai), presence of gas or fumes or someone in their proximity (called Itus) to a mother bot (called Uranus).
Uranus displays data received from various bots on a LCD and optionally uploads the data to services like COSM.
Uranus consists of a Arduino Uno with a Wiznet W5100 Ethernet shield. It has a 433MHz receiver for receiving data from remote bots which is uploaded to a service such as COSM.
Remote units consists of an Arduino Nano v3.0, one or more sensors and a 433MHz transmitter. Horai consists of DHT11 or DHT22 for humidity measurement and BMP085 for temperature and pressure measure.
Three datastreams are available in a COSM feed - The data originates from a DHT11 and a BMP085.
You will need to obtain your own COSM API key to be able to use the COSM transmitter source in 433MHz_Ethernet+COSM_Receiver.ino. Create a file called APIKey.h, define two parameters -
#define API_KEY "YOUR_API_KEY" // Cosm API key
#define FEED_ID YOUR_FEED_ID // Cosm feed ID
Compile and deply the code. The Ethernet cable should be plugged in before the Arduino is powered on.
Feel free to contact me at - [email protected] if you have questions.