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Contributing to the Wiki

Steve Harris (drstevok-test1) edited this page Jan 2, 2016 · 3 revisions

Thanks for helping us populate this wiki, but please do so responsibly. The wiki is editable by anyone with a Github account. Before you change anything, here are a few tips about the structure of the wiki itself (largely borrowed from the Numenta wiki.


This wiki uses Github-Flavored Markdown. Please make sure your edits are properly formatted and display nicely.

The Home Page

This is the first page users will see when they come to the wiki, so it needs to be simple, clear, concise, and pleasing to the eye. Because of these reasons, it is heavily moderated. Please don't make changes to this page unless you have approval from someone who has recently edited the page.

Creating New Pages

If you find a topic missing from the wiki, please feel free to create a new page. But before you do, search the current wiki to ensure a similar page doesn't already exist. It might be easier for you to update existing content instead of creating new content.

Editing Existing Pages

If you find a typo or grammatical error on any page, please fix it! If you are making considerable changes (especially deletions!), you might want to disucss with us first (by email. Page history is kept forever, so if someone doesn't like your changes, it's easy for them to revert them.

Don't get into an editing war with someone! If you find yourself going back and forth making incompatible changes with another wiki author, please contact them and discuss the issue offline before deciding how to proceed.

Keeping the Wiki Clean

Because our wiki is publicly editable, it can expand quickly without being kept in check. We want all the most important pages to be within a few clicks of the Home page. So we've added this Wiki Administration page that keeps tabs on pages that should be deleted, orphans, and historical pages that we want to keep around.

Editing the Sidebar

The Sidebar is the block of links on the right side of the page. This is another heavily-moderated wiki page, so think before you edit it.