These scripts provide:
- the simulation of power generation (Nuclear, Fossil, Hydro, Wind, SolarPV) in Sweden using GAMS
- the possibility of simulating a multitude of simulations automatically according to a configuration file
- the semi-automatic analysis of results from the simulations
Holtinger, S; Mikovits, C; Schmidt, J; Baumgartner, J; Arheimer, B; Lindstrom, G; Wetterlund, E. (2019): The impact of climatic extreme events on the feasibility of fully renewable power systems: A case study for Sweden ENERGY. 2019; 178: 695-713.
Mikovits, C; Wetterlund, E; Wehrle, S; Baumgartner, J; Schmidt, J. (2021): Stronger together: Multi-annual variability of hydrogen production supported by wind power in Sweden APPL ENERG. 2021; 282, 116082
Results can be found here:
The Swedish Research Council Formas (dnr. 2016–20118) and Bio4Energy, Sweden financially supported this work. We also gratefully acknowledge support from the European Research Council (“reFUEL” ERC2017-STG 758149) and by CLIM2POWER, Sweden. Project CLIM2POWER is part of ERA4CS, an ERA-NET initiated by JPI Climate and funded by FORMAS (SE), BMBF (DE), BMWFW (AT), FCT (PT), EPA (IE), ANR (FR) with co-funding by the European Union (Grant 690462). We would also like to thank SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, for providing the S-Hype data.
To run a set of simulations automatically run the helper tool rungams as follows:
python3 -s min_cost_elh2.gms -y csets.yml -p 28 --run --clean supports following options:
usage: [-h] [-s SIM] [-y YML] [-p MAX_PROCS] [--clean] [--resume]
runs gams processes in parallel
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s SIM, --sim SIM defines the yaml file
-y YML, --yaml YML defines the yaml file
how many processors should be used, default and
maximum is number of processors - 1