- Penetration Tester and Vulnerability Researcher during the day
- Reverse Engineer during the night
- Tinkering with low-level projects during my free time (emulators, obfuscation, Windows internals, ...)
- Used to play a lot of CTFs:
- Founded excusemewtf: 2019-2020, CH #3 pre-merge
- Co-founded organizers: 2020-2022, peaked global #1
- Omniscient on HackTheBox: 2019-ish, peaked global #2
- Discord:
⭐ Expand this to see a more exhaustive list of a bunch of highlights (excluding the pinned ones) ⭐
- gg - GameGear emulator
- ayyboy - GameBoy and GameBoy Color emulator, featuring rumble pak support :)
- ayyboy-advance - WIP GameBoy Advance emulator, able to boot into some test roms
- llvm8 - Statically recompiling CHIP8 to Windows and macOS using LLVM
- Curveball - Proof of concept code for CVE-2020-0601 also known as the "CryptoAPI exploit"
- BlueGate - PoC for the Remote Desktop Gateway vulnerability - CVE-2020-0609 & CVE-2020-0610
- dbgmon - Reverse engineered implementation of DbgView's usermode logger
- DeadByDaylight - Dead by Daylight research material gathered while reverse engineering the game
- RACEAC - Proof of concept code for an EasyAntiCheat race condition that allowed you to tamper resource data
- FallGuys - FallGuys cheat that used internal functions present in one of the first published releases of the game
- Maze - Cheats for "Maze", LiveOverflow's game hacking challenge
- vacation3-emu - An emulator that deobfuscates and decrypts VAC3 anticheat modules
- NonlethalCompany - Lethal Company mod that uses Harmony to change various aspects of the game (infinite sprint, no death, etc)
- ESP-It - ESP for Witch It
- Clicker Heroes - Clicker Heroes redemption code emulator
- dlsym_hook - Rewrites a binary statically by lifting the instructions to LLVM, hooking a function and compiling it back
- ida-teams-docker - Dockerized version of IDA Pro's Hexvault and Lumina
- docker-compiler-explorer - Dockerized version of Godbolt's Compiler Explorer preconfigured with C, C++, Rust and LLVM
- rw - A kernel driver exposing read/write capabilities to usermode
- pooldump - Allows you to dump all nonpaged
s from kernel
- long_night - A collection of themes based on pastel colors, created for reverse engineers
- SteamManifestFixer - Patches Steam to download depot files without manifest data
- sbb - A commandline tool that allows you to check the public transportation connection via SBB
- JodelAPI - A wrapper for Jodel's API