All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Add your changes after this line, example:
- Changes specifier in
- Version specifier in VERSION
- Node version specifier in .nvmrc to allow compatibility
- Simple shell script to invoke the bindings generator in
- Simple shell script to invoke the build process in one step in
- Upgraded raylib to 9a8d73e
- Upgraded raygui to 82ba2b1
- Upgraded quickjs to 6a89d7c
- Generated new bindings
- Upgraded all packages of the bindings generator
- Removed the need of transpilation when using the bindings generator (this is useful to debug generator issues as ts-node can represent errors as they are, without the need of source maps)
- Removed webpack requirement
- Markdown linting errors