Puts cute Pokémon in your code editor to boost productivity ✨
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Install this extension from the VS Code marketplace.
With VS Code open, search for vscode-pokemon
in the extension panel (Ctrl+Shift+X
on Windows/Linux or Cmd(⌘)+Shift+X
on MacOS) and click install.
With VS Code open, launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P
on Windows/Linux or Cmd(⌘)+P
on MacOS), paste the following command, and press enter.
ext install jakobhoeg.vscode-pokemon
After installing, open the command palette with Ctrl+Shift+P
on Windows/Linux or Cmd(⌘)+Shift+P
on MacOS.
Run the "Start Pokemon coding session" command (vscode-pokemon.start
) to see a Bulbasaur in VS Code:
Enjoy interacting with your favourite Pokémon!
Open the setting panel with Ctrl+, on Windows/Linux or Cmd(⌘)+, on MacOS. In the search bar, enter “vscode-pokemon" to see all available options.
Set the size and position of the extension.
Extracting and creating .gif files involves quite a bit of tedious manual work, but I’ll aim to add Gen 2 and Gen 3 sprites very soon!
- Pokemon Sprites: © The Pokémon Company / Nintendo / Game Freak
- The sprites are used for non-commercial, fan project purposes only
- Original sprite artwork belongs to the respective copyright holders
- All sprites are property of their original creators
- This repository is a fan project and is not affiliated with Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, or Game Freak
This repository is inspired by and based on vscode-pets by tonybaloney.