Create new folder in 'src' location and name the folder as control name for example "grid” it is control name.
Note: Do not use whitespace at any cause in folder’s name. Use “-” instead of space.
Add the sample component tsx file in the sample folder.Below steps are need to be considered on sample creation
- Sample component must extend the "SampleBase" component class from the path "src/common/sample-base" file.
- Sample tag must be enclosed between the "control-section" div.
- In all samples description is need to be added. Add sample description within the div tag with id as description.
import * as ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import * as React from 'react';
import { SampleBase } from '../common/sample-base';
export class Default extends SampleBase<{}, {}> {
render() {
return (
<div className = 'control-pane'>
<div className='control-section'>
//sample component tags
<div id="description">
// sample description
Refer the sample for example sample component.
Note: Do not use whitespace at any cause in file’s name. Use “-” instead of space.
To add the "propertypane” in the sample use tag PropertyPane
from "common/property-pane" .Configure your sample properties as like below code snippet.
<PropertyPane title='Properties'>
<table id="property" title="Properties" className='property-panel-table' style={{ width: '100%' }}>
<td style={{ width: '30%' }}>
<div className="col-md-4" style={{ paddingTop: "8px" }}>
<td style={{ width: '70%', paddingRight: '10px' }}>
<select id="ddl" name="ddl" onChange={this.change.bind(this)} className="form-control" style={{ padding: "6px" }} ref={d => this.dropElement = d}>
<option value="default">Default</option>
<option value="both">Both</option>
<option value="none">None</option>
<option value="horizontal">Horizontal</option>
<option value="vertical">Vertical</option>
Refer the PropertyPanesample for propertyPane example.
Create the "config.tsx” file inside of your control folder.Configure your "config.tsx file" file as like below code snippet.
export const GridSampleOrder:Object = [
{ 'path': 'grid/default', 'component':'Default', 'name': 'Default Functionalities', 'order': '01', 'category': 'Grid' },
{ 'path': 'grid/gridlines', 'component':'GridLines', 'name': 'GridLines', 'order': '01', 'category': 'Grid', hideOnDevice: true }
Fields Description:
path : Specifies the sample router path. Path must be same as "sampleFolderName/sampleFileName".
component : Specifies the name of the sample component.
name : Specifies the sample name to be displayed.
order : Specifies the order in which sample to be displayed.
category : Specifies the sample category.
Note: set hideOnDevice as true if you want to hide a sample in devices.
Add your samples in “samplelist.tsx” located in “/src/common” folder
- Import your sampleOrder array from the component config file.
- Add your samples in samplesList as Like below
import * as React from 'react';
import { GridSampleOrder } from '../grid/config';
export let samplesList: any = [
'name': 'Grid', 'category': 'Grids', 'order': '02', 'path': 'grid', 'samples': GridSampleOrder
Add your dependency in “package.json” file inside the dependencies.
Note: Here, '*' Specifies that install the latest published package form the online. '*' is recommended for Syncfusion packages.
"dependencies": {
"@syncfusion/ej2-react-grids": "*"
Before installation check @syncfusion:registry=
is available in npmrc file. Then use the below command to install all dependent packages.
npm install
Use npm run build
command to compile the source files. It calls the following tasks synchronously,
- SEO changes
- Build
- Styles ship
- Site-map generate.
It will set meta data and description for the h1 tag to show our components first in search engine. Use the below command to run it individual.
gulp SEO-changes
Use the below command to generate scripts, styles, locale and sample lists.
gulp build
It runs the following tasks synchronously,
- Scripts
- Styles
It compiles the Typescript files and use the below command to run this task.
gulp scripts
gulp styles
command is used to compile default themes. It calls the following two tasks synchronously.
- Default theme
- Compile styles
Use the below command to generate default theme files.
gulp default-theme
It compiles the scss file to css file. To run this task use the below command,
gulp compile-styles
It copies css files for themes from node_modules. Use the below command to run it individual.
gulp styles-ship
The below command combines sample of all components and store it in sitemap-demos.xml file to index our components, samples, documents in search engine.
gulp sitemap-generate
To run your sample browser you can use any of the following command.
gulp serve