Releases: jauntsdn/rsocket-jvm
Releases · jauntsdn/rsocket-jvm
- RSocket: add requester availability listener.
- RPC headers: add request retries support.
- RSocket virtual threads: use java 21, remove --enable-preview compiler option.
- RSocket-helidon, RSocket-rpc-helidon: remove as previously deprecated modules.
- RSocket-helidon-compiler: remove as previously deprecated module.
- RPC: add support for request timeouts in metadata headers; add compiler support for request timeouts (with
compiler option) for grpc-stub, futures, virtualthreads APIs. - RSocket-helidon, rsocket-rpc-helidon modules - deprecate for removal since helidon-common-reactive project seems inactive/abandoned.
- RPC compiler: add
option - defines sources of instrumentation listeners in generated stubs: one ofall
(default) - both external (constructor) and provided (via MessageStreams implementation attribute),mstreams
- provided only (via MessageStreams implementation attribute). - Update dependencies.
- RPC: add ServiceDescriptors to transcode RPC / Protocol Buffers calls into another representation (e.g. http/json).
- RPC compiler: generate ServiceDescriptors with "generate-service-descriptors" option - value format is "service_foo.proto;service_bar.proto", or empty to generate for all services. Descriptors are generated in server stubs for request-response interactions.
- RPC protobuf metadata: add internal codec in order to make rsocket-rpc-metadata-idl dependency optional.
- RPC compilers: typed-metadata option accepts 2 values: "internal", "external"; "internal" is used by default.
- RPC compilers: generate-codec-suffix option (suffix for package containing generated ProtobufCodec code) default is changed from "random" to "none".
- RPC: Protocol Buffers metadata support with "typed-metadata" RPC compiler option.
- RPC compilers: reduce generated code size.
- Jdk virtual threads API support.
- Compilers: selective stubs generation with "generate-servers", "generate-clients" options, format: "pkg/file1.proto;pkg/file2.proto", empty if no stubs should be generated.
- Grpc-stubs API: exclude unused dependencies - grpc-api, grpc-context.
- Add protobuf-javalite to managed dependencies.
- RpcHandler: RpcHandler.Factory (shortcut utility to combine multiple RPC handlers) - remove redundant index increment.
- RPC grpc-stubs API: client & server bidi-streaming support.
- Grpc-stubs API: exclude unused transitive dependencies - guava, errorprone.
- RPC with GRPC-stub (StreamObserver) API support with request-stream, request-response, fire-and-forget interactions