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Minimal Zig library for creating EPUB files


  • C libs dependencies: libzip 1.11.2
  • Required Zig version: 0.13
  • Epub version: 2.0.1
  • This library has been developed on and for Linux following open source philosophy.


This library will generate an epub with the following compressed files:

    • container.xml
  • OEBPS/
    • images/
      • some_image.png
    • toc.ncx
    • content.opf
    • SomeChapter.xhtml
    • stylesheet.css
  • mimetype


const std = @import("std");
const epub = @import("epub");

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer if (gpa.deinit() != .ok) @panic("leak");
    const allocator = gpa.allocator();

    var my_epub = epub.Epub.init(allocator, .{
        .title = "Flying Circus",
        .creator = "Johann Gambolputty",
        .identifier = .{
            .identifier_type = .UUID,
            .value = "d5b2b585-566a-4b9c-9c5d-f99436e3a588",
    defer my_epub.deinit();

    var image_paths = [_][]const u8{

    var section = epub.Section.init(allocator, "Chapter 1", .{ .raw = "<h1>Chapter 1</h1>\n<p>Hello</p>\n<h1 id=\"chapter1.1\">Chapter 1.1</h1>" });
    defer section.deinit();

    try my_epub
        .setStylesheet(.{ .raw = "body { background-color: #000000 }" })
        .setCoverImage(.{ .path = "/home/user/Downloads/cats.jpg", .image_type = .jpg })
        .setCover(.{ .raw = "<div class=\"cover\"><img src=\"images/cats.jpg\" alt=\"Cover Image\"/></div>" })
        .addSectionType("Preface", .{ .raw = "<p>preface</p>\n" }, .Preface)
        .add(section.addToc(.{ .text = "Chapter 1.1", .reference_id = "chapter1.1" }).build())
        .addSection("Chapter 2", .{ .raw = "<h1>Chapter 2</h1>\n<p>Bye</p>\n" })
        .generate("book.epub"); // This could be a existent path to some folder (absolute or relative). Ex: "/path/to/book.epub"

Some info

  • Only one level of subsection is available when using Table of Contents at the moment. Ex: Chapter 1 -> Chapter 1.1, Chapter 1.2, etc.
  • An Epub is just a compressed file. Using a tool like unzip or similar could be useful to see the content and files generated.
  • Every xhtml (cover and sections) will have the tag with an id formed by the name of the section without spaces plus -body. Helpful when using some css on it.
    • Ex: Section named "Chapter 1" will have <body id="Chapter1-body">


In build.zig.zon:

.dependencies = .{
    .epub = .{
        .url = "",            
        // .hash = "hash suggested",
        // the hash will be suggested by zig build

In build.zig:

const dep = b.dependency("epub", .{
    .target = target,
    .optimize = optimize,
exe.root_module.addImport("epub", dep.module("epub"));



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