This repository contains the MiniZinc models and Python scripts related to single constant multiplication optimizations and integer division . This code was written during Intel Preceptorship 2024. Results were gathered on 10000 trials. They were run using the HiGHS 1.6.0 solver.
- baseModel.mzn: Initial SCM Optimization
- SCM_Expression_Reuse.mzn: SCM Optimization with Expression Reuse
- costModel2.mzn: SCM Optimization weighted by k + 1
- costModel3.mzn: SCM Optimization with weighted subtraction by 1.5
- costModel4.mzn: SCM Optimization with Powers of 3
- integerDivision.mzn: Replication of integer division (RTZ) algorithm in Correctly Rounded Constant Integer Division via Multiply-Add by Drane and Cheung