The website for Ruck, an open source buildless React web application framework for Deno.
- Deno CLI v2+.
For a local development installation, create a project scripts/
containing the following environment variables, with values customized for your
local environment:
# Development or production mode; "true" or "false".
export RUCK_DEV="true"
# The localhost port to serve the Ruck app on.
export RUCK_PORT="3000"
# GitHub access token used with the GitHub GraphQL API to query the
# jaydenseric/ruck repo releases for the releases related Ruck app routes.
To load the environment variables from scripts/
, make the public
environment variable modules, and serve the Ruck app:
Requires environment variables.
To make the public environment variable modules:
Requires environment variables.
To serve the Ruck app for either development or production:
To format the project:
deno fmt
To lint the project:
deno lint
Beforehand, run the make public environment variable modules script.
To type check every JavaScript module in the project: