A python app that will run a speedtest on your internet connection, store the results in a database or csv file and tweet a complaint to your ISP. Designed and tested to run on a raspberry pi, but should run on any 'nix distro capable of supporting python3
Based on u/AlekseyP's original work in https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/comments/43fi39/i_set_up_my_raspberry_pi_to_automatically_tweet/
Needs the Python speedtest-cli found at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/speedtest-cli/
I've tried to make this script as flexible as possible sticking to give the user as much control as possible in how the script behaves. Configuration is handled in a basic config.py file. Things that can be configured are:
##Script behavior settings:
- speed_promised: This is the speed promised to you by your ISP. If your package is 60mbit down simply enter
speed_promised = 60
. - warning_threshold: Because we don't necessarily want to tweet if your speeds test slightly under what your were promised we define a threshold percentage in decimal format. To warn when your speeds are testing at or below 40% of what you expect define
warning_threshold = 0.4
. - logging: There are three options for logging available No Logging, Log to MYSQL Database and Log to CSV . We use a numerical format to determine logging where
= No Logging,1
= MySQL and2
= CSV. - twitter_enabled: This is a Boolean to determine if we send tweets at all. It defaults to True, however if you don't wish to send tweets and only want to capture data set
Twitter = False
##File location settings: Define desired file locations for where your speedtest-cli is installed and where you wish your csv and error file logging to occur. I.e. if your speedtest-cli is installed in /usr/local/bin set speedtest_location='/usr/local/bin/'
- speedtest_location: Set the absolute path to where speedtest-cli is installed on your system. For example if it's in /usr/local/bin/speedtest-cli set
- csv_file: Determine where and what filename to log to csv file. Typically in the homedir, but can be whereever you like. Variable expects absolute path and filename i.e.
. - error_file: Determine where to log errors to. Any errors will be output to the screen, but also to the
so automated run errors will be captured. Variable expects absolute path and filename i.e.error_file='/home/pi/speedtestcomplainer/error.log'
##Credentials: We store both MySQL connector settings and twitter oAuth2 credentials in a simple dictionary list.
host = '',
user = 'username',
password = 'password',
database = 'database',
```twitter = dict(
token = '',
consumer_key = '',
token_secret = '',
consumer_secret = ''
### Tweet Details
On line 80 of the script edit the details in the `tweet` variable for your ISP and desired @mentions, hashtags and locations. *Remember to keep the total length to no more than 140 char*.
### Cron Job
Currently the script must be called manually or via a cronjob. On my pi I run it via cron every 15min
`*/15 * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/speedtest_complainer/speedtestcomplainer.py > /dev/null 2>&1`