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Song of the day bot

This project is a Song of the Day Slack Bot that provides daily link from a list of songs to one or more channels. The bot provides a separate playlist for each channel. Channels that run out of their private list of songs will backfill from songs that have been previously played in other channels.

The playlist for each channel is randomized, allowing users to add many of their favorite songs at one time without hogging the front of the playlist queue. Prolific users are able to swamp out other users, so it's advisable to encourage many users to participate!


Interation with the bot primarily happens via private message. You can send the following commands to the bot to control song of the day for your channel

Bot commands

This bot only listens for private messaages for security purposes. There is also no need to invite Sotd into any channels for it to work, as it can post blindly into channels.

add CHANNEL URL [OPTIONAL DESCRIPTION] - Add a song to a play with optional description

delete URL - Delete song matching URL

playlists - List all running playlists

load CHANNEL PATH|URL - Import a json playlist from an URL. Imports will be credited to the importer (See Bulk Importing Songs, below)

stop CHANNEL - Tell SOTD to remove a playlist for a channel. The songs will be saved for backfill, but the playlist will be gone, gone, gone

show CHANNEL - Show the playlist for a given channel

hello - Say hello


Each channel can be scheduled independently of one another. The pattern is a stanadrd cron format ( with numeric fields for Minute, Hour, Day of Month, Month and Day of week (numeric, sunday being 0)

00 22 * * 1-5 - Play a song at 22:00 UTC (3PM PDT) Mon-Fri to celebrate the deployment window 00 16 * * 1 - Play a monday morning song every Monday for the SRE Livesite channel

The main intent is for each channel to set the best time for SOTD for their own channel playlist, but the functiality is there if you want to set your cron up for certain months or days of the month too.

Bulk Importing Songs

Songs can be imported over HTTP/S via a json formatted list. The list should have the following structure:

    "URL": ""
    "Description": "Kids playing drums in new orleans"
    "URL": "",
    "Description": "Would I be me without this one?"

You can instruct the bot to import the bot to import this list to the playlist of your choice by messaging it load #your_channel_name https://some.url/here.json. Imported songs will be credited to you, so I'd suggest being thoughtful about introducting NSFW songs in your work environment.


Sotd is able source its configuration from either Ini files or environment variables, depending upon whether the deployment is intended for traditional installs or docker. Any configuration value specified in the ini config may be set via the environment by setting a key of SOTD_$section_$key="value". For example, one can turn on event streaming by running export SOTD_slack_debug=true

# debug = anything   # Setting debug to any value will turn it on

Docker Installation

As mentioned, sotd can be deployed as a container as well, by setting envrionment variables. For example, this will set up an ephemeral sotd bot

# An example 
# cat > envfile <<EOF
# SOTD_slack_botToken=xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# SOTD_slack_appToken=xapp-x-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
# SOTD_database_type=sqlite
# SOTD_database_path="file::memory:?cache=shared" 


Sotd supports both SQLite and MySQL which may be chosen by setting type under [Database] to "sqlite" or "mysql"


The sqlite connector requires single argument under the database section, the path of the database. A temporary database can be created in memory by setting a path of "file::memory:?cache=shared"

type = "sqlite"
path = "/var/lib/sotdbot.db"

One can also an ephemal version of sotd, perhaps for debugging. Playlists will be lost when the process dies!

type = "sqlite"
path = "file::memory:?cache=shared"


The mysql connector requires 5 options; host, port, user, pass and db.

type = "mysql"
user = "username"
host = "mysql-server"
pass = "password"
db   = "database name"

Insecure Options

Some options, such as loading playlists from the filesystem or url, have security implications. These options are disabled by default but may be reenabled via configuration file

loading = true  # Allow loading playlists via URL or local filesystem


graph TD;
   slack{slack api}<-- event handler -->bot
   bot-- FromBot<br />channel --> controller
   controller-- funcs  -->jukebox
   controller-- ToBot<br />channel -->bot
   controller-- funcs  -->bot
   jukebox --> cron{Cron Scheduler}
   cron{Cron Scheduler}-- Playset<br />channel -->controller


This project is dedicated to my close friends Belmin, Brandon, Brian, Drew, Jaysen, Jeff, Jeremy and Jhurani. You guys mean the world to me and I literally can not wait for the day for our paths to cross again. Come see me =)


A song of the day bot written in go for slack




Code of conduct

Security policy





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