A Minecraft Bukkit plugin which enables python and/or scratch programming.
This Bukkit plugin is a successor to RaspberryJuice that implements a Python/Scratch API to vanilla minecraft (not dependent on the raspberry pi edition).
See README_server_setup.md for instructions to set up your own python/scratch server that works on java or bedrock.
To use Python, you must connect it to a Bukkit server running this plugin, and use the companion pyncraft library: pip install pyncraft
To use scratch, you must use this URL: http://pruss.mobi/scratch/?load_plugin=http://cfa.harvard.edu/~jeastman/scratch.js and connect it to a Bukkit server running this plugin and a websocket relay.
world.getBlock(x:int, y:int, z:int) -> str
- Get the block of the input position
world.getBlocks(x1:int, y1:int, z1:int, x2:int, y2:int, z2:int) -> list
- Get the blocks of the input position range
world.setBlock(x:int, y:int, z:int, block:str) -> None:
- Set the block of the input position
world.setBlocks(x1:int, y1:int, z1:int, x2:int, y2:int, z2:int, block) -> None:
- Set the blocks of the input position range
world.getHeight(x:int, z:int) -> int:
- Get highest position y of the block
world.getPlayerEntityIds() -> list:
- Get the list of server players'id
world.postToChat(*msg) -> None: -Print message to minecraft chat
world.setSign(x:int, y:int, z:int, signType:str, signDir:int, line1:str="", line2:str="", line3:str="", line4:str="") -> None:
- Set the stand sign of the input position
world.setWallSign(x:int, y:int, z:int, signType:str, signDir:int, line1="",line2="",line3="",line4="") -> None:
- Set the wall sign of the input position
world.spawnEntity(x:int, y:int, z:int, entityID:int) -> int:
- Spawn a entity of the input position
world.createExplosion(x:int, y:int, z:int, power:int=4) -> None:
- Create a explosion of the input position
world.getPlayerEntityId(name:str) -> int:
- Get the entity ID of input name
world.create(address = "localhost", port = 4711):
- Connect your python program to Raspberryjuice
player.getPos() -> Vec3:
- Get player's float position
player.setPos(x:float, y:float, z:float) -> None:
- Set player's position with float
player.getTilePos() -> Vec3:
- Get player's integer position
player.setTilePos(x:int, y:int, z:int) -> None: -Set player's integer position
player.getDirection() -> Vec3:
- Get player's direction
player.setDirection(x:float, y:float, z:float) -> None:
- Set player's direction
player.getRotation() -> float:
- Get player's rotation
player.setRotation(yaw:float) -> None:
- Set player's rotation
player.getPitch() -> float:
- Get player's pitch
player.setPitch(pitch) -> None:
- Set player's pitch
player.getFoodLevel() -> int:
- Get player's food level
player.setFoodLevel(foodLevel:int) -> None:
- Set player's food level
player.getHealth() -> float:
- Get player's health
player.setHealth(health:float) -> None:
- Set player's health
player.sendTitle(title:str, subTitle:str="", fadeIn:int=10, stay:int=70, fadeOut:int=20) -> None:
- Send a title to player
entity.getPos(ID) -> Vec3:
- Get specific entity's float position
entity.setPos(ID, x:float, y:float, z:float) -> None:
- Set specific entity's position with float
entity.getTilePos(ID) -> Vec3:
- Get specific entity's integer position
entity.setTilePos(ID, x:int, y:int, z:int) -> None:
- Set specific entity's position with integer
entity.getDirection(ID) -> Vec3:
- Get specific entity's direction
entity.setDirection(ID, x:float, y:float, z:float) -> None:
- Set specific entity's direction
entity.getRotation(ID) -> float:
- Get specific entity's rotation
entity.setRotation(ID, yaw) -> float:
- Set specific entity's rotation
entity.getPitch(ID) -> float:
- Get specific entity's pitch
entity.setPitch(ID, pitch) -> None:
- Set specific entity's pitch
- Get specific entity's name
- Camera angles
Modify config.yml:
- port: 4711 - the default tcp port can be changed in config.yml
- location: ABSOLUTE - determine whether locations are RELATIVE to the spawn point or ABSOLUTE
- hitclick: RIGHT - determine whether hit events are triggered by LEFT clicks, RIGHT clicks or BOTH
copy https://github.com/jdeast/FruitJuice/target/FruitJuice.jar to your plugin directory
To build FruitJuice, download and install Maven, clone the repository, run `mvn package':
git clone https://github.com/jdeast/FruitJuice
cd FruitJuice
mvn package
- 0.1.0 - Initial release
- 0.2.0 - Updates from integer block IDs to string block IDs broke the way directional blocks work. Partial fix.
- 0.3.0 - [minecraftdawn]'s refactoring of cmdPlayer broke player selection implemented in mcpi_e. Fixed.
- jdeast
- stoneskin (pyncraft/mcpi_e)
- apruss (scratch)
- minecraftdawn
- zhuowei
- martinohanlon
- jclaggett
- opticyclic
- timcu
- pxai