Slack status music scrobbler for Linux. Updates slack status based upon any media player using the MPRIS DBus Protocol
- Connects to all players, publishes only the playing one
- Clears status on pause or player exit
- Choose emoji based upon player names
- For fallback players, randomly chooses from a list
- Only updates Slack status if no status or already playing is set. Won't override an existing status. Detection based upon the status emoji
- Configurable required fields (e.g., must have artist and title)
- Configurable filters on track metadata (artist, title, album), similar format to exceptions, see Advanced config
- Exceptions to filters and required fields, allow scrobble even when it does not have required fields or filter matches
- Choose field and partial text match, along with custom message format and emoji
If I'm watching a Udemy course, update status with custom emoji and message
exceptions: - field: "title" partial: "Udemy" emoji: ":male-student:" message_format: "Learning: {title}"
- Choose field and partial text match, along with custom message format and emoji
$ pip install --user git+
Create a config file ~/.config/slobbler.yaml
user_id: U0123456
user_oauth_token: xoxp-token
- ":notes:"
user_id: U0123456
user_oauth_token: xoxp-token
# Custom message format, defaults to "{artist} - {title}"
message_format: "{artist} - {title}"
# exact match emoji to a specific player
spotify: ":spotify:"
# random choice of emojis when doesn't match player emoji, must have at least one
- ":notes:"
- ":the_horns:"
- ":headphones:"
# Defaults to False, set status expiration time based upon track length if possible
set_expiration: False
# Required fields, defaults to ["artist", "title"]
- "artist"
- "title"
# Optional track metadata filters
- field: "artist" # choose field to filter, choice of artist, title, album
partial: "Nickelback" # contents to filter on
# Optional exceptions, based on track metadata. Takes precedence over required fields and filters
- field: "title" # field from TrackInfo: artist, title, album
partial: "Udemy" # contents to partial match on
emoji: ":male-student:" # optional custom emoji on matched exception
message_format: "{title}" # optional custom message format on matched exception
# Optional listener config
# Partial match to ignore by player name, check logs to see how player names show up
# ignore Firefox web based players, where player name is firefox.instanceNNNN
ignore: ["firefox.instance"]
- Add slobbler to Slack Apps
- Click
Create New App
- Choose
From scratch
- App Name ->
and choose your workspace - Click
Create App
- Click
Add features and functionality
- Choose
- Click
Add on OAuth Scope
and addemoji:read
- Copy
User OAuth Token
use that asuser_oauth_token
in slobbler config - Go back to
Basic Information
- Install your app ->
Install to Workspace
$ slobbler --config ~/.config/slobbler.yaml
Use systemd to keep it running in the background
Description=Slack status scrobbler
ExecStart=<path to bin>/slobbler --config ~/.config/slobbler.yaml
systemctl --user enable --now slobbler.service
journalctl --user -xeu slobbler.service -f
- MPRIS Slack Integration Good starting place for me, helped with figuring out how to work with DBus/MPRIS. This must be run after a player is playing. Won't handle players exiting or starting.
- Linux: Spotify Track Notifier Helpful reference when working with DBus/MPRIS. Only works with Spotify and doesn't do anything with Slack
- dbus-python tutorial
- dbus-python examples