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Azure Active Directory Authentication plugin for ServiceStack

The AadAuthProvider is a great way to add Microsoft organizational authentication to some or all of your ServiceStack web site or services. Azure Active Directory (AAD or formerly WAAD) enables login to custom apps when organizations are using Office 365 or a custom AAD resource.

Azure Configuration

Office 365

If you want to enable authentication for an Office365 domain, navigate to your Office 365 Admin Center. At the bottom left, under "ADMIN" click "Azure AD". That should take you to something like:{my organization}.com Visiting the AAD administration for Office365 the first time may take a moment to setup.

Add App to AAD

Navigate to your Azure Active Directory and select the Applications tab.

At the bottom click "ADD" then select "Add an application my organization is developing".

Give the application a readable name, select Web application and click the next arrow.

Tenant ID

Click "VIEW ENDPOINTS" at the bottom of your app's quick-start page.

The AadAuthProvider will be using the two OAuth2 endpoints at the bottom. The AadAuthProvider assumes they have the following format:

Your Tenant ID is the UID in the middle of the URL:{TenantID}/oauth2/token You should retain it for later.


(If the endpoints do not match the above patterns you can configure them manually using the appSettings keys oauth.aad.AccessTokenUrl and oauth.aad.AuthorizeUrl respectively.)

Client ID

Select the CONFIGURE tab and scroll down to find your Client ID. Retain the Client ID for configuration.

Client Secret

Under "keys" drop-down the "Select duration" box to pick a 1 or 2 year key lifetime.

Under "single sign-on" you must supply a "REPLY URL" for each unique URL that will act as an OAuth2 callback. The ServiceStack convention is base URL + /auth/aad. So for testing you should add: http://localhost:1234/auth/aad (using an obscure port number) And for your live site you should add: (using https if applicable) You can remove the default reply URL if it will not be used as an OAuth2 callback.

Finally, click SAVE at the bottom of the CONFIGURE page. After a few seconds the changes should be saved and the new key will be displayed. Copy and retain the key as the Client Secret (aka Consumer Secret).

Back on Office 365

Clearly you can also provide an icon for your app. When your users browse to they will see your custom app along with the other Office apps. When they click on your app they will be sent to the configured "SIGN-ON URL".

AadAuthProvider Usage

Construct an AadAuthProvider and pass it to your AuthFeature plugin (along with any other auth providers you may have) inside AppHost.Configure.

public class AppHost : AppSelfHostBase
    public override void Configure(Container container)
        var authProviders = new IAuthProvider[] { new AadAuthProvider(AppSettings) };
        Plugins.Add(new AuthFeature(
            () => new AuthUserSession(), 
            htmlRedirect: "/auth/aad"));

You must provide the ClientId and ClientSecret. They can be provided to the constructor, by setting the properties, or in the web.config appSettings under the following keys: oauth.aad.ClientId and oauth.aad.ClientSecret.

For example:

		<add key="oauth.aad.ClientId" value="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>
		<add key="oauth.aad.ClientSecret" value="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000="/>
		<!-- Optional: -->
		<add key="oauth.aad.TenantId" value="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"/>
	    <add key="oauth.aad.DomainHint" value=""/>

Optional Configuration

You should also provide the TenantId of your AAD resource, though it is not required. The Tenant ID can be found in the oauth2 endpoint as shown:{TenantId}/oauth2/token If a Tenant ID is provided and the user logs into a different tenant, the authentication will fail. If no Tenant ID is provided the common tenant will be used. (In practice Microsoft may permit the user to log into a different tenant than the one associated with the given Tenant ID and Client ID. So the way we prevent logging in via the wrong domain is by checking authenticated user's Tenant ID.)

You may configure a DomainHint. This will be passed to Microsoft when initiating the OAuth2 login. In theory users with multiple logins will have help picking the right one. In practice Microsoft does not always respect this value. It does not provide any security.

You may configure a ResourceId for the AAD resource for which the access token is being requested. This defaults to the directory resource so we can get the user's info. Changing the ResourceId may have other implications, so contact us if this is a feature you need.

The CallbackUrl will default to the .../auth/aad path, but it can be configured explicitly. In either case it must match what has been configured on Azure as a "REPLY URL".

The following properties are not used. If any are configured a warning will be logged. This can be disabled with LogConfigurationWarnings.

  • RedirectUrl
  • RequestTokenUrl

A complete working example can be seen in ServiceStack.Authentication.Aad.SelfHostTest

Contribution Guidelines

  • Security reviews are most welcome.
  • Core logic must be unit tested.
  • Unit tests should be written using 3 paragaphs corresponding to Arrange, Act and Assert
  • Build must remain clean (no warnings, tests passing)
  • Code Analysis issues should not be introduced


Azure Active Directory Authentication plugin for ServiceStack







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