This repository implements a bot playing No Limit Texas Hold'em poker. It has been trained to play 6-handed sit-and-go as well as heads-up ring-games. The model is built on a neural network, trained with a genetic algorithm. It tracks the game as a whole as well as each opponent separately. LSTMs are used for memory, taking advantage of the sequential nature of poker. The detailed report and corresponding presentation can be found in the docs alongside other important files.
Below is an overview of the neural network used at the core of the decision making of the last iteration of DeepBot.
Six handed neural network overview
First clone the repository with the recursive argument. This is to include two necessary submodules (PyPokerEngine and OMPEval). Both are forks that have been altered for the purpose of this project.
git clone --recursive
This code was developed and tested with python 3.5.6. All the required python libraries are in the requirements file and can be installed with
pip install -r requirements.txt
In order to perform trainings, it is also required to have redis installed.
In order to verify that everything is set up correctly, it is appropriate to let a trained agent play and watch the trace of the game. To do so with the default options, simply move to the code folder and run the agent_play script.
As a lot of games have to be played, redis is used to enable multi-threading and cloud computing. Go to ./code/redis, then run the redis server:
redis-server redis.conf
redis.conf binds the server to an address.
Then, start the workers:
sh 70
The first argument (70) is the number of workers to start. This should be equal to the number of threads available on the machine, or the genetic algorithm population size if it is smaller. The second argument ( is the ip address of the redis server, here it is local. If multiple machines are used for computation, the address should be changed both here and in redis.conf.
To train an agent from scratch, use the script It is best to have a look at the many available arguments first:
python3 -h
At the very least it is adviserd to define a simulation id (--simul_id), to avoid overwritting past training traces.
python3 --simul_id 1
The training process generates data for reproducibility, and the agents. It saves the decks used, the earnings obtained by the agents, and most importantly the agents in a lightweight format: a single list containing all the parameters of its neural network.
The default location of training data is ./data/trained_agents_and_data. As it takes a lot of storage, it is not included in the git repository.
A few agents are however available in ./data_trained_agents_git. There are (partial) traces of three trainings:
- 6max_full: Plays 6 Handed Sit and Go against various opponent tables
- 6max_single: Plays 6 Handed Sit and Go against one opponent, the Ruler (see report)
- hu_second: Plays Heads Up Ring Game against various weak opponents
The best agent of each training instance is the first agent (best peformance) of the last generation (most trained).
Here is an example of the return on investments (ROI) obtained by agents over the training. It is for the '6max_full' network and environment. The maximum attainable ROI is 300%. Each curve is for a table with different type of opponents.
Average ROI over generations
To make a trained agent play a single game, one can use the agent_play script. Again, it is advised to look at the available arguments. For example to let the pre-trained 6max_full (git) agent play against a tight passive table, run:
python3 --network 6max_full --table_ind 2 --agent_file ../data/trained_agents_git/6max_full/gen_300/bots/1/bot_1_flat.pkl
This will print information about the actions taken and rewards given at each hand.
The scripts to perform the validation, be it quantitative or qualitative, are in ./code/validations.
As the various bots developed in this repository, including DeepBot, are compatible with PyPokerEngine, it is possible to play against them through a GUI. To do so use PyPokerGUI.
- Cyril van Schreven