Docker Image for InfluxData Telegraf.
You may need to replace the path to /var/run/docker.sock depending on the location of your docker socket.
Most basic form:
docker run -t -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock jjungnickel/telegraf
Custom InfluxDB location and additional tags:
docker run -t -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e INFLUXDB_URL=http://influxdb:8086 -e TAG_datacenter=eu-central-1 -e TAG_type=core jjungnickel/telegraf
- INFLUXDB_URL - Where is your InfluxDB running? (default: http://localhost:8086) Note: No trailing slash!
- HOSTNAME - To pass in the docker host's actual hostname
- TAG_ - Adds a tag with the given value to all measurements
- latest
- 0.10.0