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Abstractive Sentence Summarization

The Algorithm

An implementation of the Rush, Chopra, Weston work

Our implementation differs in that we fix the context and summary token embedding matrix. Two scenarios are possible:

  1. Both embedding matrices are initialised from GloVe
  2. Context embedding matrix are initialised from Skip-Thought Vectors, summary from GloVe

The Code

Helptext is available for running our code by doing:

python3 -h

The training corpuses are under data/. Each JSON file contains three fields title, full_text, summary. They're downloaded with scripts in download_data/.

GloVe data needs to be downloaded and unzipped under glove/. The code uses the first 10k most frequent tokens by default. To generate the embeddings for them,

cd glove
head -n 10000 glove.6B.300d.txt >glove.10k.300d.txt

SkipThoughts data needs to be downloaded to access the SkipThoughts embeddings (to be done).


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