- Micronaut: For building the API and worker services.
- Kafka: For distributing task messages to worker nodes.
- Database: Use PostgreSQL or MySQL to store task details and their statuses.
- Quartz Scheduler: To handle task scheduling.
Users can submit tasks with a specified execution time.
Store tasks in a database with scheduling information.
Periodically checks for tasks ready for execution.
Publishes tasks to Kafka topics for worker nodes to pick up.
Microservices that consume tasks from Kafka and execute them.
Report task completion or failure back to the Task Submission API.
Provide an API or UI to check the status of scheduled and completed tasks.
kubectl create namespace dtss
to run from root ./gradlew :worker:run
or in the api dir
docker run -p 8080:8080 dtss-api:0.1
curl -X POST -d '{"name":"eventTest"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/event
kubectl port-forward svc/redpanda-service 9092:9092 -n dtss
rpk topic create events --brokers localhost:9092
echo "Hello, Redpanda!" | rpk topic produce events --brokers localhost:9092
rpk topic consume events --brokers localhost:9092
TODO: setup db
kubectl port-forward svc/couchdb-service 5984:5984 -n dtss