This project is a depiction of a supermarket management software, including most features employed in presentday supermarkets.
Administrator Login: The Administrator login feature ensures the security of the software. The Username and Password is mutable by the admin.
Product Management: The details of availiable products are easily viewed and modified through the software. Deatails like name of the product, price, stock and category is viewable and modifiable. Exisiting products can be removed, and new products can be added through the software.
Billing: The billing software takes in products and returns the total cost in bill format.
Employee Management: The Employee details can also be viewed and updated through this software. Employees can be removed and added through the program.
Supermarket Management: The Supermarket details like the name, address and phone number can also be viwed and modified.
- To Download this software simply fork and clone this repository. Else:
- Download a a zip file of this repository.