A chess engine written in C
First, clone the repository with
$ git clone https://github.com/jonicho/chess
For compilation with optimizations for release compile with:
$ make
This compiles the whole project every time it is run.
The compiled binary and object files will be in ./build/release/
To clean all generated build files run
$ make clean
To compile without optimizations and with debug symbols for development compile with:
$ make DEBUG=1
This only compiles files that changed.
The compiled binary and object files will be in ./build/debug/
To clean all generated build files run
$ make clean
To play a game against the computer, simply run:
$ ./build/chess play
$ ./build_release/chess play
depending on whether you compiled for release or development.
Enter your moves in pure coordinate notation.
To execute tests that test some parts of the implementation run
$ ./build/debug/chess test
$ ./build/release/chess test
depending on whether you compiled for release or development.