A simple Calendar control for your Xamarin.Forms projects
This is a fork repository of a nuget made by RebeccaXam.
- Available on NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/XamForms.Enhanced.Calendar/
- Install into your PCL project and Client projects.
In your iOS, Android projects call:
Xamarin.Forms.Init();//platform specific init
You must do this AFTER you call Xamarin.Forms.Init();
IMPORTANT: If you are having problems like: When Changing Months, the days do not update properly in, try adding this to your projects AssemblyInfo.cs:
[assembly:Xamarin.Forms.Platform.<Platform>.ExportRenderer(typeof(XamForms.Controls.CalendarButton), typeof(XamForms.Controls.<Platform>.CalendarButtonRenderer))]
There is a playground project in the solution. Please take a look there.