No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Issue/PR that involves a bug
Pull requests that update a dependency file
This has been discussed somewhere else
Issue/PR that involves features, improvements and other changes
Pull requests that update GitHub Actions code
Good first issue for new contributors. New contributors are welcome!
Feel free to give us a hand! Contributions welcome!
Pull requests that update Javascript code
PR / Issue deals (partly) with new and/or existing languages for JPlag
Issues/PRs that exist since the legacy version of JPlag
Major issue/feature/contribution/change
Minor issue/feature/contribution/change
Tasks for the PISE practical course (SS22)
Tasks for the PISE practical course (WS21/22)
A question, so neither a bug nor a enhancement proposal.
PR related to a (upcoming) release
PR / Issue deals (partly) with the report viewer and thus involves web-dev technologies
Regards the documentation in the wiki
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