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Karol Bucek edited this page Jul 20, 2013 · 2 revisions

Since 1.3.0 AR-JDBC supports Microsoft SQLServer's official driver (un-officially at least for 1.3.0 :).

Previously the OSS jTDS driver was used and still serves well (and is used by default), however it's not keeping up with latest features found in SQLServer 2012 or Azure. Fortunately the JDBC API allows us to swap the driver and use all of the MSSQL adapter specific code.

Now when you connect using adapter: mssql but specify SQLJDBC's driver: name or use a url: jdbc:sqlserver:... prefix it's assumed that you do not want using the jTDS driver. Also to explicitly support a plain SQLServer configuration for the official driver the following might be used :

  adapter: sqlserver
  #host: localhost
  database: SAMPLE
  instance: sample-1 # optional
  domain: # optional
  #application: ...
  #integrated_security: true # windows only

This of course assumes that the sqljdbc.jar is available at runtime, also we recommend using the JDBC4 compilant version of the Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server: sqljdbc4.jar (extracted from sqljdbc_4.0.2206.100_enu.tar.gz).