This repository contains configuration files for most of the programs I use.
- Hardware: Concavum, custom designed ergonomic keyboard
- Layout: modified VOU layout (optimized for German and English)
- Operating system: Arch Linux
- Package manager: Paru
- Editor: Neovim using AstroNvim as base config
- Font: Source Code Pro Nerd Font
- Terminal emulator: Alacritty
- Shell: fish
- Prompt: starship
- File manager: ranger
- Smart directory switching: zoxide
- Cat with syntax highlighting: bat
- Faster grep alternative: ripgrep
- Improved diffs: delta
- Fuzzy finder: fzf
- Improved ls: exa
- Browser: Firefox
- Addons: Surfingkeys, Dark Reader
- Wayland compositor: Hyprland
- Status bar: waybar
- Application launcher: fuzzel
- Screen locker: swaylock-effects
- Power menu: wlogout
- Email client: aerc
- PDF viewer: zathura
- Password manager: KeePassXC
The provided script
can be used to apply some or all parts of the configuration. See -h
for further information.
This repository is licensed under the MIT license, see LICENSE.txt
for further information.