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My config for Emacs 28+: check out as ~/.emacs.d

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My Emacs config

Build Status



After preparation:

mkdir -p ~/.local/share/python/venv
python -m venv ~/.local/share/python/venv
source ~/.local/share/python/venv/bin/activate
pip3 install epc orjson sexpdata six setuptools paramiko rapidfuzz

brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport
brew install emacs-mac  --with-dbus --with-glib --with-imagemagick --with-librsvg --with-mac-metal --with-native-comp --with-natural-title-bar --with-starter  --with-emacs-sexy-icon
osascript -e 'tell application "Finder" to make alias file to POSIX file "/opt/homebrew/opt/emacs-mac/" at POSIX file "/Applications"'

git clone --recursive /path/to/local/repo
cd /path/to/local/repo
rake install
open -a Emacs

cd ~/.emacs.d/vendor/hotfuzz
cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-march=native -DEMACS_ROOT=/opt/homebrew/Cellar/emacs-mac/emacs-29.1-mac-10.0/ && cmake --build build


  +-- etc/
  |    +-- git-hooks/
  |    +-- recipes/
  |    |    `-- PACKAGE-LOCAL.rcp
  |    `-- snippets/
  +-- lib/
  |    +-- reveal.js/
  |    `-- test/
  |         +-- test-CASE.el
  |         `-- run-tests.el
  +-- init.el
  +-- modules/
  |    +-- builtins-config/
  |    |    +-- cui-init-*.el
  |    |    +-- gui-init-*.el
  |    |    +-- lazy-init-*.el
  |    |    +-- opt-init-*.el
  |    |    +-- post-init-*.el
  |    |    `-- pre-init-*.el
  |    +-- core/
  |    +-- local-config/
  |    |    +-- *-init-private-*.el
  |    |    `-- opt-init-additional-packages.el
  |    `-- vendors-config/
  |         `-- init-PACKAGE.el
  +-- var/
  |    +-- backup/
  |    +-- bookmark/
  |    +-- cache/
  |    +-- log/
  |    `-- tmp/
  `-- vendor/

Loading modules

  1. init.el
  2. modules/core/
  3. modules/builtins-config/
    1. pre-init-*.el
    2. cui-init-*.el
    3. gui-init-*.el
    4. opt-init-*.el
    5. lazy-init-*.el
    6. post-init-*.el
  4. modules/local-config/
    1. pre-init-{private-,*}.el
    2. cui-init-{private-,*}.el
    3. gui-init-{private-,*}.el
    4. opt-init-{private-,*}.el
      • opt-init-additional-packages.el
        • modules/vendors-config/init-*.el
    5. lazy-init-{private-,*}.el
    6. post-init-{private-,*}.el