Toolbar for QGIS 3 with several tools for Delft3D Flexible Mesh. Loading of output files is supported starting with QGIS 3.8. This plugin allows opening and saving of .xyz/.pli/.pol-files. These are input files for models of the numerical modelling Delft3D Flexible Mesh by Deltares.
- Load filetypes: .xyz, .xyn, .pol, .pli, .ldb
- Save to filetypes: points, polylines, polygons
Figure: Visualisation of D3D-FM output-files using QGIS 3.8 core functionality, in combination with D3D-FM input files loaded by this plugin.
Clone or download this repository to the QGIS3-plugin directory on your computer. For example: C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\QGIS\QGIS3\profiles\default\python\plugins
In QGIS go to plugins and enable the plugin Delft3D_FlexibleMesh
Please let me know any issues or ideas using the Github issuetracker or contact me on [email protected].
- Free software: MIT license