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Command line parsing class library for embedded systems


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Host commands processing library

Use to create multi-parameter and non-blocking command processor for your device, getting input from host or main controller hardware using Stream class interface.

    SETRGBCOLOR led1 255 255 255
    LED 3 OFF
    LCDTEXT "Hello!"

Intended to be used with Arduino's framework.

Original code by Andrej Pakhutin ([email protected]), 2021


Create instance with internal buffer of 64 bytes and commands source set to Serial object:

        host_command hc(64, Serial);

Define several commands by using quick, printf-like interface:

Note that this list numbering is mirroring the actual internal index

  1. Command without parameters:

         hc.new_command( "Command1" );
  2. Require 1 boolean argument

         hc.new_command( "Command2", "b" );
  3. Require integer argument, followed by quoted string

         hc.new_command( "Some_command", "dq" );
  4. Require one boolean arg, followed by two optional string arguments:

         hc.new_command( "Other_command", "b ? s s" );

Now we can ask for some action:

        // check for hext argument or a new command
        if ( hc.no_more_parameters() && ! hc.get_next_command() )

All indexes start from zero of course

        if ( hc.get_command_id() == 0 )
                // OK, this is "Command1". no arguments

And if our currently processed command has index 2:
Remember "Some_command" with int, quoted str arguments?

        if ( hc.get_command_id() == 2 )

Now with this command we need device's full attention

                 // check input if next parameter is available
                 if ( ! hc.has_next_paramerer() )

We can get here -1 on error, or 0, 1 for indexes

                 switch( hc.get_parameter_index() )

Note that all conversions are simple and (still) there are no validation. So if host put incorrect data somewhere you will receive garbage. In case of int/float it is most probably will be zero number

                 case 0:
                     first_arg = hc.get_int();

Be aware, that get_str() always return the pointer to the beginning of the internal buffer. Do not overwrite it contents or you may get unexpected behavior!

                 case 1:
                     strcpy( string_arg, hc.get_str() );

                     cout << "Some error occured while processing command: " << hc.get_command_name() << endl;

                 }//switch param index

             // we have no optional parameters for this command. so it is safe to use relaxed status function:
             } while( ! hc.is_command_complete() );

        }// command id 2: "Some_command"


Quick reference

The class name is host_command


  • host_command( size_t buffer_size ) - Will use Serial as a commands source. Set buffer size so big to accomodate the longest parameter any command can expect. Plus one.
  • host_command( size_t buffer_size, Stream* source )

public properties:

  • String* prompt - if not NULL and interactive mode is ON it will be printed to host as a new command prompt.
  • Stream* source - The source of commands. Yes you can switch this on the fly if you're so bold.

Setup methods:

  • int new_command( String command_name, String parameters ) - return -1 on error.
    The second parameter uses printf-like codes to define parameters for a command.
    Format is slightly simpler though: [?][length][type]

    • ? - this marks beginning of optional parameters
    • length - integer. set the maximum input length for string types.
    • type - much as in printf: b-bool, c-byte, d-int, f-float, s-string, q-quoted string

    Spaces also allowed for readability

  • void new_command( String command_name ) - Either this is a command without arguments or you must add parameters definitions via the following methods:

  • void add_bool_param() - appends boolean parameter to the current command's arguments list

  • void add_byte_param() - appends single-byte parameter to the current command's arguments list

  • void add_int_param() - appends integer number parameter to the current command's arguments list

  • void add_float_param() - appends floating point number parameter to the current command's arguments list

  • void add_str_param( int max_length ) - appends string parameter to the current command's arguments list.
    max_length is optional and limits the length of input string. Default is for it to fit into your buffer

  • void add_qstr_param( int max_length ) - appends quoted string parameter to the current command's arguments list.
    max_length is optional and limits the length of input string. Default is for it to fit into your buffer

  • void optional_from_here() - the next parameters added will be treated as optional. This means that no error will be generated if some will be omitted on input

Processing methods:

  • bool get_next_command() - request to begin processing of new command from the input stream. Return true if new command is available
  • int get_command_id() - Return id or index of the current command being processed. -1 if there are no command data. 0 - based
  • String get_command_name() - Return current command's name or "" if none.
  • bool is_command_complete() - Return true if current command's processing is formally complete and you may pass to the next.
    Note that return value here depends not only on the error state, no command present, or complete command with EOL received, but also:
    1. if current parameter is optional
    2. or if current parameter is the last and received complete Thus to make sure that all parameters were processed use no_more_parameters()
  • bool no_more_parameters() - Return true if all possible parameters were recieved, including optional ones.
    This status differ from is_command_complete() by accounting for optional parameters too and if there is stil no EOL.
  • bool is_invalid_input() - Return true if last attempt to parse data resulted in invalid state.
  • bool has_next_parameter() - Return true if there are next parameter's data available.
  • int get_parameter_index() - Return the index of the current parameter. 0 - based
  • uint32_t get_parameter_info() - Return internal bitmask with parameter definition. Well, in case you want to process parameters by type, disregarding their positions.
  • bool is_optional() - Return true if current parameter is optional


  • bool get_bool() - Return boolean representation of parameter's data.
    This is slightly smarter than others. For the true value it expect the one of case-insensitive strings: "on", "true", "yes", "y" or any positive, non-zero number, e.g. 1, 42 or 007
  • uint8_t get_byte() - Return the first character of parameter.
  • int get_int() - Converts input string to int. In case of any error the value returned is undefined or zero.
  • float get_float() - Converts input string to float. In case of any error the value returned is undefined or zero.
  • const char* get_str() - Return input data. Quotes are removed for the quoted string argument type. If there are errors or data inconsistencies it honestly tries to return "" (empty string). Note that this function return value actually is a pointer to the internal buffer. So any mangling with data there may produce unexpected results

Other public members:

  • void set_interactive(bool is_on, String* new_prompt) - if true then we'll produce some answer/error messages to host
  • void allow_escape(bool is_on) - allow the use of escape character '\' to mask special characters like end of line or space.
    Enabled by default.
  • void discard() - reset the state and prepare for the next command.
    If current command is still incomplete it will skip all input up to the next EOL character: CR or LF
  • void limit_time(int) - sets maximum time for internal processes in milliseconds. Use to prevent timely blocks on long inputs.
    default is -1, which is "infinity".


Command line parsing class library for embedded systems





