The Kadras collection of Kubernetes-native packages built with Carvel.
This repository contains the following Carvel packages.
Package | Description |
cert-manager | A cloud-native solution to automatically provision and manage X.509 certificates. |
contour | An Envoy-based ingress controller that supports dynamic configuration updates and multi-team ingress delegation. |
crossplane | A Kubernetes extension that transforms your Kubernetes cluster into a universal control plane. |
dapr | A Kubernetes extension that provides integrated APIs for communication, state, and workflow. |
dependency-track | OWASP Dependency Track is a continuous SBOM Analysis Platform for managing software supply chain security risks. |
developer-portal | Kadras Developer Portal, based on Backstage. It supports application developers with paved paths to production on Kubernetes. |
engineering-platform | A curated set of Carvel packages to build an engineering platform supporting application developers with paved paths to production on Kubernetes. |
flux | A continuous deployment solution for Kubernetes, powered by the GitOps Toolkit. |
gitops-configurer | Provides GitOps configuration for the Kadras Engineering Platform. |
knative-serving | A solution built on Kubernetes to support deploying and serving of applications and functions as serverless containers. |
kyverno | A policy engine designed for Kubernetes. It can validate, mutate, and generate configurations using admission controls and background scans. |
metrics-server | A scalable and efficient source of container resource metrics for Kubernetes built-in autoscaling pipelines. |
postgresql-operator | CloudNativePG, a Kubernetes operator that covers the full lifecycle of a PostgreSQL database cluster with a primary/standby architecture, using native streaming replication. |
rabbitmq-operator | A message broker supporting multiple messaging protocols and streaming. |
rbac-configurer | Provides default roles and RBAC configuration for the Kadras Engineering Platform. |
secretgen-controller | Generates various types of Secrets in-cluster as well as export and import Secrets across namespaces. |
service-binding | A standard and automated way for communicating service secrets to workloads. |
tempo-operator | A solution to manage Grafana Tempo on Kubernetes and OpenShift clusters. |
workspace-provisioner | Provisions and configures workspaces (namespaces or virtual clusters) to work with the Kadras Engineering Platform. |
Kubernetes 1.30+
CLI. -
Carvel kapp-controller deployed in your Kubernetes cluster. You can install it with Carvel
(recommended choice) orkubectl
.kapp deploy -a kapp-controller -y \ -f
Install the Kadras package repository in a dedicated namespace using kctrl
kctrl package repository add -r kadras-packages \
--url \
-n kadras-system --create-namespace
Installation via CRDs
Instead of installing the Kadras package repository with `kctrl`, you can apply the necessary Carvel CRDs directly using [`kapp`](, `kubectl` or a GitOps operator.kubectl create namespace kadras-system
kapp deploy -a kadras-repo -n kadras-system -y \
Verify the list of available Carvel package repositories and their status.
kctrl package repository list -n kadras-system
List all the Carvel packages available in the Kadras package repository.
kctrl package available list -n kadras-system
For documentation specific to Carvel package management, check out
The security process for reporting vulnerabilities is described in
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.