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Kubernetes-native package for Contour, a high performance ingress controller using Envoy.


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A Carvel package for Contour, a high performance ingress controller for Kubernetes based on Envoy.

πŸš€  Getting Started


  • Kubernetes 1.29+

  • Carvel kctrl CLI.

  • Carvel kapp-controller deployed in your Kubernetes cluster. You can install it with Carvel kapp (recommended choice) or kubectl.

    kapp deploy -a kapp-controller -y \


Add the Kadras package repository to your Kubernetes cluster:

kctrl package repository add -r kadras-packages \
  --url \
  -n kadras-system --create-namespace
Installation without package repository The recommended way of installing the Contour package is via the Kadras package repository. If you prefer not using the repository, you can add the package definition directly using kapp or kubectl.
kubectl create namespace kadras-system
kapp deploy -a contour-package -n kadras-system -y \
  -f \

Install the Contour package:

kctrl package install -i contour \
  -p \
  -v ${VERSION} \
  -n kadras-system

Note You can find the ${VERSION} value by retrieving the list of package versions available in the Kadras package repository installed on your cluster.

kctrl package available list -p -n kadras-system

Verify the installed packages and their status:

kctrl package installed list -n kadras-system

πŸ“™  Documentation

Documentation, tutorials and examples for this package are available in the docs folder. For documentation specific to Contour, check out

🎯  Configuration

The Contour package can be customized via a values.yml file.

    logFormat: json
    useProxyProtocol: true

Reference the values.yml file from the kctrl command when installing or upgrading the package.

kctrl package install -i contour \
  -p \
  -v ${VERSION} \
  -n kadras-system \
  --values-file values.yml


The Contour package has the following configurable properties.

Configurable properties
Config Default Description
namespace projectcontour The namespace in which to deploy Contour and Envoy.

Settings for the Contour component.

Config Default Description
contour.replicas 2 The number of Contour replicas. In order to enable high availability, it should be greater than 1.
contour.config.logFormat text Log output format for Contour. Either text (default) or json.
contour.config.logLevel info The Contour log level. Valid options are info and debug.
contour.config.useProxyProtocol false Whether to enable PROXY protocol for all Envoy listeners.
contour.configMapData "" The YAML contents of the contour ConfigMap. See for more information.

Settings for the Envoy component.

Config Default Description
envoy.workload.type DaemonSet The type of Kubernetes workload that Envoy is deployed as. Options are Deployment or DaemonSet.
envoy.workload.replicas 2 The number of Envoy replicas to deploy when type is set to Deployment.
envoy.workload.hostPorts.enabled true Whether to enable host ports. If false, http & https are ignored.
envoy.workload.hostPorts.http 80 If enabled, the host port number to expose Envoy's HTTP listener on.
envoy.workload.hostPorts.https 443 If enabled, the host port number to expose Envoy's HTTPS listener on.
envoy.workload.hostNetwork false Whether to enable host networking for the Envoy pods.
envoy.workload.terminationGracePeriodSeconds 300 The termination grace period, in seconds, for the Envoy pods.
envoy.config.logLevel info The Envoy log level.
envoy.service.type LoadBalancer The type of Kubernetes service to provision for Envoy.
envoy.service.loadBalancerIP "" The desired load balancer IP. If type is not `LoadBalancer', this field is ignored. It is up to the cloud provider whether to honor this request. If not specified, the load balancer IP will be assigned by the cloud provider.
envoy.service.externalTrafficPolicy Local The external traffic policy for the Envoy service.
envoy.service.annotations false Annotations to set on the Envoy service.
envoy.service.nodePorts.http false The node port number to expose Envoy's HTTP listener on. If not specified, a node port will be auto-assigned by Kubernetes.
envoy.service.nodePorts.https false The node port number to expose Envoy's HTTPS listener on. If not specified, a node port will be auto-assigned by Kubernetes.

TLS configuration to secure the communication between Contour and Envoy.

Config Default Description
certificates.useCertManager false Whether to use cert-manager to provision TLS certificates for securing the communication between Contour and Envoy. If false, the contour-certgen Job will be used to provision certificates. If true, cert-manager must be installed in the cluster. See:
certificates.duration 8760h If using cert-manager, how long the certificates should be valid for. If useCertManager is false, this field is ignored.
certificates.renewBefore 360h If using cert-manager, how long before expiration the certificates should be renewed. If useCertManager is false, this field is ignored.

πŸ›‘οΈ  Security

The security process for reporting vulnerabilities is described in

πŸ–ŠοΈ  License

This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.

πŸ™  Acknowledgments

This package is inspired by the original Contour package used in the Tanzu Community Edition project before its retirement.