Develop modules in Python to perform essential signal processing tasks after ingesting klines data of any asset, with the objective of generating, storing and executing alpha signals.
Binance Market Module: (DONE)
- Extract relevant candlesticks data from Binance API - Spot (Done), Perpetual and Delivery Futures
- Apply pagination to account for API rate limits (Done)
- Store data as flat files in local drive (Done - automatically creates data folder to store files locally)
- Update local drive on each run, after checking and storing state of local drives
Forex and Futures Market Module:
- Extract relevant candlesticks data from IBKR and OpenBB
- Apply pagination to account for API rate limits
- Store data as flat files in local drive
- Update local drive on each run
Equities Module:
- Equities Tickers Sec Master extracted using YFinance (Done)
- Bulk upload Candlesticks Data across selected tickers, over selected intervals (Done)
Analysis Module:
- Quick Visualisations of Prices based on Symbol Input,
- Implementing Smoothing Functions --> Moving Average, Differencing, Holt-Winters Exponential Smoothing
- Linear Regression Analysis
- Autocorrelation and Cross-correlation Calculations
- Principal Component Analysis
- Wavelet Analysis --> decompose a signal into component frequencies
- Seasonal Decomposition
- Box Cox Transformation --> transform a time series into a more normal distribution
- Potential Alpha Signal Recognition
Signals Module:
- Manage Signals Generation
- Backtest Engine: Ingest signals and backtest portfolio
- Returns Analysis: Annualised, Sharpe, Sortino, etc