Repository of models trained for CS3244 Machine Learning term project. See project paper here.
- Attributes used: 'smart_12_normalized', 'smart_189_normalized', 'smart_190_normalized', 'smart_193_normalized', 'smart_199_normalized', 'smart_240_normalized', 'smart_242_normalized', 'smart_5_normalized', 'smart_187_normalized', 'smart_188_normalized', 'smart_197_normalized', 'smart_198_normalized'
- Randomly sampled 836 negative examples (non-failed hard disks) because we only have 836 positive examples
- Train: 80%; Test: 20%
- Score: 0.7014925373134329
- Lots of false negatives
- Attributes used: all except 'date_x','serial_number','model','failure_x','date_actual_fail'
- Used various oversample/undersample methods (SMOTE, SMOTETomek, ADASYN)
- For AdaBoostSMOTETOMEK(biased data).ipynb, negative:positive ratio is 1:5