A community for discussing the many ways we can do front-end development better. Not just technical topics, but processes and user experience patterns too!
Better Front-end has monthly (maybe) open-ended discussions about topics in front-end development. Each meeting covers a single topic. It might be a demo, a conversation about an interesting conference talk or blog post, or just a Q&A about an interesting topic in the field. Anyone can host the discussion. The point of each discussion isn't to prove whether an idea is right or wrong or to gain consensus about a topic; it's simply an open discussion among peers.
The format of Better Front-end discussions is loosely modeled on the educational technique of Socratic seminars in which a group of students have a structured discussion about a text based on a series of open-ended questions.
Open an issue and give it the topic
label! Include a description of the topic you’d like to discuss. You should provide enough context in your description that others can understand the topic ahead of time and come prepared with thoughts or questions.
See all pending topic requests
Good topics are something that can spark about 30 minutes of discussion. Attendees should be able to understand the topic well by doing some light pre-reading. They should be applicable to a wide range of developers, and not overly specific to a certain app or singular use case.
Prepare attendees to discuss the topic by writing a short "pre-read" document that gives context about the subject matter.