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April 2021 Image Pack Update

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@kbuffington kbuffington released this 12 Apr 18:29
· 12 commits to master since this release

Medium sized update this time around: 48 new artists images, and 74 labels. This releases fixes the bad Tame Impala image which was causing crashes.

If you use artist/release flags and use 4k mode, those flags have been updated so that they are the same as the non-4k versions, so I recommend re-downloading the attached below.

NOTE: The size of passed the 100MB size which is the max Github allows. I tried to use their Large File Storage, but we maxed the quota in less than 24 hours. This necessitated splitting into multiple parts. To reiterate, I do not recommend downloading those files unless you haven't been keeping up with the quarterly image packs.

As always, don't download this release, instead just grab the attached and dated artistlogo/recordlabel .zips which will catch you up to the latest versions, OR if you've never downloaded image packs before, download (and aristlogos.z01) and from the root of the repo.