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June 2021 Image Pack Update

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@kbuffington kbuffington released this 21 Jun 16:23
· 7 commits to master since this release

155 new or updated artist logos (mostly updated to shrink file sizes using better compression options) and 39 record labels.

Back in April, the size of the passed the 100MB mark and I had to split it up into two files. Well after futzing around with the largest images 100 images in the zip and compressing them much better (most of them losslessly) the file size has dropped to just under the github limit. So you don't need to download the .z01 file anymore.... but I'm leaving it up, because in a month or two we'll be back over the 100MB limit and it'll be needed again.

As always, don't download this release, instead just grab the attached and dated artistlogo/recordlabel .zips which will catch you up to the latest versions, OR if you've never downloaded image packs before, download and from the root of the repo.