A Kubernetes operator that enables management of monitoring alerts as custom resources within your Kubernetes clusters.
- Overview
- Requirements
- Features
- Architecture
- Quick Start
- Usage
- Documentation
- Version Compatibility
- Contributing
alert-manager enables you to define and manage monitoring alerts as Kubernetes resources, allowing you to:
- Create alerts alongside your application deployments
- Version control your alert definitions
- Apply GitOps practices to your monitoring configuration
- Scale efficiently with templated alerts
Currently supported monitoring backends include:
- Wavefront
- Splunk (Phase 2)
- Kubernetes cluster v1.16+
- kubectl configured with admin access
- For Wavefront alerts: A Wavefront account and API token
- Reliable connectivity to your monitoring backend systems
- Declarative alert management - Define alerts using Kubernetes custom resources
- Multiple monitoring systems - Support for different monitoring backends
- Templating - Create reusable alert templates across applications
- Scalable - AlertsConfig allows efficient alert management without etcd bloat
- GitOps compatible - Manage alerts through the same pipeline as your applications
alert-manager follows a Kubernetes operator pattern that watches for custom resources and reconciles them with the target monitoring systems.
For a more detailed view of the architecture including component interactions and workflows, see the Architecture Documentation.
To get started with alert-manager:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/keikoproj/alert-manager.git cd alert-manager
Use the installation script to deploy alert-manager:
# Install with the provided script (recommended) ./hack/install.sh <namespace> <monitoring_backend_url> <api_token> # Example: ./hack/install.sh alert-manager-system wavefront.example.com my-api-token
Alternatively, you can install manually:
Create a Secret with your monitoring system credentials:
# Example for Wavefront kubectl apply -f docs/sample-secret.yaml
Deploy the controller and CRDs:
make deploy
For detailed installation instructions, configuration options, and prerequisites, see the Quick Start Guide.
Here's a simple example of a WavefrontAlert:
apiVersion: alertmanager.keikoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: WavefrontAlert
name: cpu-high-alert
alertType: CLASSIC
alertName: high-cpu-usage
condition: ts("kubernetes.node.cpu.usage") > 80
minutes: 5
resolveAfterMinutes: 5
severity: warn
- kubernetes
- cpu
For more examples and detailed usage information, see the Quick Start Guide.
- Architecture Documentation
- Quick Start Guide
- Configuration Options
- Developer Guide
- Troubleshooting Guide
alert-manager Version | Kubernetes Version | Notable Features | Go Version |
current (master) | 1.28+ | Go 1.24 upgrade | 1.24+ |
v0.5.0 | 1.22+ | Improved scalability, enhanced status reporting | 1.19+ |
v0.4.0 | 1.20 - 1.24 | Template alerting, Splunk integration (beta) | 1.18+ |
v0.3.0 | 1.18 - 1.22 | Multi-cluster support, alert batching | 1.16+ |
v0.2.0 | 1.16 - 1.20 | Initial AlertsConfig implementation | 1.15+ |
v0.1.0 | 1.16+ | Initial release with Wavefront support | 1.13+ |
For detailed information about each release, see the GitHub Releases page.
Please see CONTRIBUTING.md.
Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.