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Klip - Kotlin Language Image Processing

Klip is a Kotlin-based image and canvas processing server that dynamically transforms images stored in AWS S3. Powered by GraphicsMagick, it delivers fast, scalable, and customizable image manipulation through HTTP GET requests.


  • Image Transformations – Resize, crop, rotate, grayscale, blur, sharpen, and more.
  • Canvas Generation – Create custom canvases with gradients, patterns, text overlays, borders, and rounded corners.
  • Flexible Rules Engine – Enforce size, quality, and filter constraints with configurable rules for enhanced security and optimization.
  • Caching Support – Seamlessly caches transformed images to reduce processing overhead and improve performance.
  • AWS S3 Integration – Pulls source images directly from S3 and supports caching to a separate bucket.
  • Admin APIs – Monitor performance and track cache statistics with secure, API-key-protected admin endpoints.
  • Highly Configurable – Customize behavior using environment variables for features, limits, and resource constraints.


  • /klip – Transform existing images stored in AWS S3.
  • /canvas – Generate custom graphics and placeholders with flexible styling options.

Get Image

GET /klip/{path/to/image}

Fetch the original image stored in the S3 bucket without any transformations.


GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png

Resize Image

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?w={width}&h={height}

# Set width and height independently.
GET /klip/{path/to/image}?w={width}
GET /klip/{path/to/image}?h={height}

# Dimension syntax
GET /klip/{path/to/image}?d={width}x{height}

Resize the image to the specified width and height.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
width Int Optional - Width of the output image
height Int Optional - Height of the output image


GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?d=640x480
GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?w=640&h480

Resized Image

Fit Modes

Control how the image fits within the specified dimensions.

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?w={width}&h={height}&fit={mode}
Parameter Type Required Default Description
fit String Optional - How the image should fit within dimensions. Values: contain, cover, fill

Fit Modes Explained:

contain: Preserves aspect ratio while ensuring image fits within specified dimensions

GET /klip/photo.jpg?w=800&h=600&fit=contain

cover: Fills entire dimensions while preserving aspect ratio, cropping excess

GET /klip/photo.jpg?w=800&h=600&fit=cover

fill: Stretches or squishes image to exactly fit dimensions

GET /klip/photo.jpg?w=800&h=600&fit=fill

Default Behavior:

  • With both width and height: Acts as fill
  • With single dimension: Acts as contain

Quality Adjustment

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?quality=75

Adjust the image quality for compression and size optimization. Useful for reducing image size without significant loss of visual fidelity.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
quality Int No 100 Adjusts image quality (1–100). Lower values reduce size but may lose detail.

Supported Formats: JPEG, PNG, WebP (other formats may default to lossless encoding).


# High Quality (Default)
GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?quality=100
# Medium-High Quality
GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/102/05013ad4469e00a7aed9596bc37af74e.jpg?quality=75
# Medium Quality
GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/102/05013ad4469e00a7aed9596bc37af74e.jpg?quality=50
# Low Quality
GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/102/05013ad4469e00a7aed9596bc37af74e.jpg?quality=25
# Lower Quality
GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/102/05013ad4469e00a7aed9596bc37af74e.jpg?quality=10
# Combined with resizing
GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/102/05013ad4469e00a7aed9596bc37af74e.jpg?quality=10&w1301h781

Image Comparison (click to enlarge)

High (100) (default) Medium-High (75) Medium (50)
100% 75% 75%
991,091 bytes 205,236 bytes 132,963 bytes
Low (25) Lower (10)
25% 25%
83,156 bytes 43,615 bytes

Center Crop

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?crop?w={width}&h={height}

Crop the image from the center to the specified width and height.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
crop Boolean No false Crops the image to fit the size.


GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?crop&w=250&h=250

Cropped Image

Grayscale Filter

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?grayscale

Convert the image to grayscale while resizing to the specified dimensions.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
grayscale Boolean No false Applies a grayscale filter to the image.


GET http://localhost:8080/klip/250x250/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?grayscale

Grayscale Image

Flip Horizontally

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?flipH

Flip the image horizontally (left-to-right).

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
flipH Boolean No false Flips the image horizontally (left-to-right).


GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?flipH

Flipped Horizontally

Flip Vertically

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?flipV

Flip the image vertically (top-to-bottom).

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
flipV Boolean No false Flips the image vertically (top-to-bottom).

Example - Flip vertically:

GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?flipV

Flipped Vertically

Example - Flip both horizontally and vertically:

GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?flipH&flipV

Flipped Both

Rotate Image

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?rotate=45

Rotate the image by the specified degrees (clockwise).

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
rotate Float No 0 Rotates the image by the specified angle.

Example - Rotate image 45 degrees:

GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?rotate=45

Rotated Image

Blur Image

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?blur={radius}x{sigma}
GET /klip/{path/to/image}?blur={blur}

Apply a Gaussian blur to the image to soften details.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
blur Int No 0 Simple blur with a single integer, range: [1, 10].
blur String No 0 Fine-tune Gaussian blur, format: {radius}x{sigma}.

blur format mappings:

Blur Radius Sigma Description
1 1 0.5 Very light blur
2 2 1.0 Light blur
3 3 1.5 Moderate blur
4 4 2.0 Strong blur
5 5 2.5 Very strong blur
10 10 5.0 Extreme blur (background effects)
  • radius: Defines the area of the blur effect (higher = wider blur).
  • sigma: Controls the strength of the blur (higher = softer edges).

Example - Mild blur:

GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?blur=0x2

Example: Simple, heavy blur

GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?blur=7

Blurred Image

Sharpen Image

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?sharpen=2.0

Sharpen the image to enhance details and make edges clearer.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
sharpen Float No 0 Applies sharpening in the format radiusxsigma.
  • radius: Defines the area of the blur effect (higher = wider blur).
  • sigma: Controls the strength of the blur (higher = softer edges).

Example - Mild blur:

GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?sharpen=2.0

Blurred Image

Color Adjustment

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?colors=16

Reduce the number of colors in the image to simplify or stylize it.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
colors Int No 256 Reduces the image to the specified color count.

Example - 10 colors:

GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?colors=10

Blurred Image


GET /klip/{path/to/image}?dither

Enable or disable dithering to improve color approximation when reducing colors.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
dither Boolean No false Enable dithering.

Example - 10 colors:

GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?dither

Combine Filters

GET /klip/{path/to/image}?grayscale&crop&rotate=90

Apply multiple transformations in a single request.


GET http://localhost:8080/klip/properties/1/04c08449e126.png?w=250&h=250&grayscale&crop&rotate=90

Combined Filters

Health Check

GET /health

Check if the server is up and running.


  "status": "UP"

Version Check

GET /version

Get the current version of the Klip server.



Admin Status Check

Get detailed status information about Klip

GET /admin/status

with Authorization: ApiKey <YOUR_API_KEY>


    "totalRequests": 504,
    "cacheHits": 252,
    "cacheHitRate": 0.5,
    "pool": {
        "maxConcurrent": 2,
        "currentAvailable": 2,
        "totalProcessed": 281,
        "averageWaitMs": 20049

Canvas - Generated Placeholder Images

GET /canvas/{width}x{height}

Generate a placeholder image with custom dimensions, background color, and optional text overlay.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Required Default Description
bgColor String Optional gray Background color (name or hex code)
textColor String Optional white Text color (name or hex code)
textSize Int Optional 20 Font size for the text
text String Optional - Text to display on the canvas
pattern String Optional - Pattern type: "check", "grid", "stripe"
patternSize Int Optional 20-40 Size of pattern elements
gradient String Optional - Gradient spec: "blue,red" or "45,#ff0000,blue"
font String Optional Arial Font family for text
textAlign String Optional center Text alignment: "center", "north", "southwest"
border Int Optional - Border width in pixels
borderColor String Optional - Border color (name or hex code)
radius Int Optional 0 Corner radius for rounded corners
grayscale Bool Optional false Convert to grayscale
quality Int Optional - Output image quality (1-100)
blur String Optional - Blur effect: "2.5" or "2.5x1.2"
sharpen Float Optional - Sharpen effect intensity
rotate Float Optional - Rotation angle in degrees
flipH Bool Optional false Flip horizontally
flipV Bool Optional false Flip vertically


Endpoint Description
Canvas /canvas/300x200?text=Hello&bgColor=%23336699&textColor=white
Canvas /canvas/320x320?text=Hello&textSize=40&textColor=white&pattern=check&patternSize=32&border=10&borderColor=black
Canvas /canvas/320x320?text=Hello&textSize=40&borderColor=black&border=10&textColor=white&gradient=blue%2Cred
Canvas /canvas/320x320?pattern=grid&patternSize=50&text=Grid

More Examples:

# Basic gray placeholder
GET /canvas/640x480

# Blue placeholder with text
GET /canvas/200x100?bgColor=blue&text=Hello

# Custom colors and font size
GET /canvas/400x300?bgColor=%23FF0000&textColor=white&text=Preview&textSize=30

# Using hex colors
GET /canvas/300x200?bgColor=%23336699&text=Loading

# More
GET /canvas/300x200?bg=blue&text=Hello
GET /canvas/300x200?gradient=45,blue,red&text=Gradient
GET /canvas/300x200?pattern=check&patternSize=30
GET /canvas/300x200?pattern=grid&patternSize=50&text=Grid
GET /canvas/300x200?bg=white&border=5&borderColor=black&radius=10
GET /canvas/300x200?text=Hello&font=Helvetica&align=north&grayscale=1

Klip Rules Configuration

Klip allows you to configure transformation rules for image processing using either environment variables or a rules file. These rules enforce constraints on transformations, ensuring only allowed operations are applied.

Environment Variable Configuration

Set rules using the KLIP_RULES and KLIP_CANVAS_RULES environment variable as a semicolon-separated string:


KLIP_RULES="+flipV;-flipH;dim 32x32 64x64 128x128;blur 1 2 3 4;quality 75 85 90;rotate 0 90 180"
KLIP_CANVAS_RULES="+flipV;-flipH;dim 32x32 64x64 128x128;rotate 0 90 180"

File-Based Configuration

Alternatively, rules can be stored in a rules.txt file and referenced via the KLIP_RULES_FILE environment variable.




dim 32x32 64x64 128x128
blur 1 2 3 4
quality 75 85 90
rotate 0 90 180

Rule Syntax

Rule Description Example
+flipV Allow vertical flipping. +flipV
-flipV Disallow vertical flipping. -flipV
+flipH Allow horizontal flipping. +flipH
-flipH Disallow horizontal flipping. -flipH
+grayscale Allow grayscale conversion. +grayscale
-grayscale Disallow grayscale conversion. -grayscale
dim {WxH} Allow specific dimensions (width x height). dim 32x32 64x64 128x128
blur {values} Allow specific blur radii. blur 1 2 3 4
quality {values} Allow specific quality settings. quality 75 85 90
rotate {values} Allow specific rotation angles in degrees. rotate 0 90 180
sharpen {values} Allow specific sharpen values. sharpen 0.5 1.0 2.0
colors {values} Allow specific color palette sizes. colors 16 32 64 128
fit {values} Allow specific fit values . fit cover contain

Usage in Docker

Environment Variable Example:

docker run -e KLIP_RULES="+flipV;-flipH;dim 32x32 64x64 128x128" klip-app

File Example:

docker run -e KLIP_RULES_FILE=/config/rules.txt -v /local/config:/config klip-app

Testing Rules Locally

To test rules without deployment:

Create a rules.txt file:

dim 32x32 64x64 128x128
blur 1 2 3 4
quality 75 85 90
rotate 0 90 180

Use the following shell script:

KLIP_RULES_FILE=./klip_rules.txt ./gradlew run

Alternatively, set directly as an environment variable:

KLIP_RULES="+flipV;-flipH;dim 32x32 64x64 128x128" ./gradlew run


GET /klip/properties/1/04c08449e1261fedc2eb1a6a99245531.png?w=10&h=9
GET /klip/properties/1/04c08449e1261fedc2eb1a6a99245531.png?d=10x9

422 - Unprocessable Entity

  "error": "Dimensions must be > 10. Got: 10x9"



  • Java 21+
  • Gradle
  • GraphicsMagick
brew install graphicsmagick

Build Project

./gradlew clean build

Environment Configuration (Env)

Section Variable Type Default Required Description
Features KLIP_ENABLED Boolean true No Enable/disable the /klip/ endpoint for image transformations.
Features KLIP_CANVAS_ENABLED Boolean true No Enable/disable the /canvas/ endpoint for image generation.
Features KLIP_ADMIN_ENABLED Boolean false No Enable/disable the admin endpoints.
Security KLIP_ADMIN_API_KEY String - Yes* API key required for admin endpoints when admin is enabled.
HTTP KLIP_HTTP_PORT Int 8080 No The HTTP port the server listens on.
AWS KLIP_AWS_REGION String - Yes AWS region for S3 bucket (e.g., us-west-2).
AWS KLIP_S3_BUCKET String - Yes The S3 bucket name where source images are stored.
Cache KLIP_CACHE_ENABLED Boolean True No If false, disable image cache.
Cache KLIP_CACHE_BUCKET String Same as KLIP_S3_BUCKET No Used if using different S3 bucket for caching.
Cache KLIP_CACHE_FOLDER String _cache/ No Prefix for cached files. Stored within the cache bucket.
Rules KLIP_RULES String "" (empty) No Inline rule definitions separated by ; (e.g., +flipV;-flipH;dim 32x32 64x64).
Rules KLIP_RULES_FILE String - No Path to a rules file with one rule per line. Overrides KLIP_RULES.
GraphicsMagick KLIP_GM_TIMEOUT_SECONDS Long 30 No Maximum time in seconds for a GraphicsMagick operation.
GraphicsMagick KLIP_GM_MEMORY_LIMIT String 256MB No Memory limit for GraphicsMagick operations.
GraphicsMagick KLIP_GM_MAP_LIMIT String 512MB No Memory map limit for GraphicsMagick operations.
GraphicsMagick KLIP_GM_DISK_LIMIT String 1GB No Disk space limit for GraphicsMagick operations.
GraphicsMagick KLIP_GM_POOL_SIZE Int Available Processors No Maximum number of concurrent GraphicsMagick operations.

Run Klip Server

KLIP_ADMIN_API_KEY="your.secret.key" \
KLIP_AWS_REGION=us-west-2 \ \
KLIP_RULES="+flipV;-flipH;dim 32x32 64x64 256x256" \
java -jar build/libs/klip-all.jar

Default local endpoint:


Build the project

./gradlew clean build

Create Dockerfile from template (one-time step)

cp Dockerfile.template Dockerfile

Afterward set the ENV variables as needed.

Build Docker image

docker build --platform linux/amd64 -t klip-prod:latest .

Tag and Deploy image

docker tag klip-prod:latest <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>
docker push <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>

Force deploy of Klip

aws ecs update-service \
  --cluster klip-prod-cluster \
  --service klip-prod-service \

Tail Logs

aws logs tail /ecs/klip-prod --follow


ALB, ECS, Fargate, ECR

Note that you'll likely need to adjust this terraform to fit your project. This is meant as a starting point.


cd terraform/stacks/
cp prod-template prod

Make whatever edits you need to the terraform/variables.

cd terraform/stacks/prod/
terraform init
terraform apply


  • Configurable Secret Key to protect admin endpoints (clear cache, get stats)
  • Migrate to Kotlin Native after (aws s3 client is for kotlin jvm)
  • Configurable backend storage (S3 vs File)


Kotlin Image Processing






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