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An RSS feed generator for media (audio/video).



  • Docker
  • A server or machine to host the application
  • Basic understanding of Docker volumes for data persistence
  • Media files organized in one or more directories on your host machine

Synology NAS Setup

If you're running this on a Synology NAS, follow these specific instructions:

  1. Install Docker from the Synology Package Center if you haven't already.

  2. Create a shared folder for the database files:

    • Open Control Panel → Shared Folder
    • Create a new shared folder named docker-data (or your preferred name)
    • Inside this folder, create a directory called mediarss
  3. Note your media locations:

    • Synology typically stores media files in /volume1/[shared-folder-name]
    • You can mount any number of media directories from your Synology
  4. Open Docker in Synology DSM:

    • Go to "Registry" and search for the mediarss image
    • Download the image
    • Go to "Container" and launch using the image
  5. When setting up the container in the Synology Docker UI:

    • In the "Advanced Settings" → "Volume" tab:

      • Add a volume mount for the database:
        • Mount path: /data
        • Local path: /volume1/docker-data/mediarss
      • Add your media volume mounts (add as many as you need):
        • Mount path: /media/[your-name] (e.g., /media/shows, /media/personal, etc.)
        • Local path: /volume1/[your-folder]
        • Check "Read-only"
    • In the "Port Settings" tab:

      • Local Port: 8765 (or your preferred port)
      • Container Port: 8765
    • In the "Environment" tab:

      • Add the standard environment variables as needed
      • For multiple media paths, specify them in MEDIA_PATHS:
        • Variable: MEDIA_PATHS
        • Value: /media/shows:/media/personal (colon-separated list of your mount points)

The rest of the standard instructions apply for managing the container.

Quick Start (Non-Synology)

  1. Pull the Docker image:
docker pull [your-image-name]
  1. Create directories for persistent storage and ensure your media directories exist:
# Create directory for database storage
mkdir -p /path/to/your/data

# Your media directories should already exist
  1. Run the container:
docker run -d \
  --name mediarss \
  -p 8765:8765 \
  -v /path/to/your/data:/data \
  -v /path/to/media1:/media/shows:ro \
  -v /path/to/media2:/media/personal:ro \
  -v /path/to/media3:/media/other:ro \
  -e MEDIA_PATHS=/media/shows:/media/personal:/media/other \

Note: The :ro flag in the media volume mounts makes them read-only, which is recommended for security.

Volume Mounts

The application requires these volume mounts:

  1. Database Volume (/data):

    • Purpose: Stores SQLite databases
    • Mount point: /data
    • Example: -v /path/to/your/data:/data
  2. Media Volumes (any number allowed):

    • Purpose: Access to your media files
    • Mount point pattern: /media/[your-name]
    • Examples:
      • -v /path/to/media1:/media/shows:ro
      • -v /path/to/media2:/media/personal:ro
    • Should be mounted read-only (:ro)
    • Name the mount points anything that makes sense for your use case

Media Directory Structure

You can organize your media directories however you prefer. Here's an example structure:

├── educational/
│   ├── course1/
│   └── course2/
└── entertainment/
    ├── show1/
    └── show2/

├── family-videos/
└── recordings/

└── misc-media/

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be configured:

  • PORT: External port (default: 8765)
  • INTERNAL_PORT: Internal port (default: 8765)
  • DATABASE_PATH: Path to the main SQLite database (default: /data/sqlite.db)
  • CACHE_DATABASE_PATH: Path to the cache SQLite database (default: /data/cache.db)
  • MEDIA_PATHS: Colon-separated list of media directories inside container (e.g., /media/shows:/media/personal)

Database Persistence

The application uses SQLite for both the main database and cache storage. Both databases are stored in the /data directory inside the container:

  • Main database: /data/sqlite.db
  • Cache database: /data/cache.db

To ensure your data persists between container restarts and updates, you must mount a volume or bind mount to the /data directory as shown in the run command above.

Backup and Restore

To backup your databases, simply copy the files from your mounted data directory. For example:

# Stop the container before backup
docker stop mediarss

# Backup the databases
cp /path/to/your/data/sqlite.db /path/to/backup/sqlite.db
cp /path/to/your/data/cache.db /path/to/backup/cache.db

# Restart the container
docker start mediarss

To restore from backup:

# Stop the container
docker stop mediarss

# Restore the databases
cp /path/to/backup/sqlite.db /path/to/your/data/sqlite.db
cp /path/to/backup/cache.db /path/to/your/data/cache.db

# Restart the container
docker start mediarss


To upgrade to a new version:

# Pull the new image
docker pull [your-image-name]

# Stop the current container
docker stop mediarss

# Remove the old container
docker rm mediarss

# Run the new container (using the same data directory and media mount)
docker run -d \
  --name mediarss \
  -p 8765:8765 \
  -v /path/to/your/data:/data \
  -v /path/to/media1:/media/shows:ro \
  -v /path/to/media2:/media/personal:ro \
  -v /path/to/media3:/media/other:ro \
  -e MEDIA_PATHS=/media/shows:/media/personal:/media/other \

Your data will be preserved as long as you use the same volume mount points.


Audiobookshelf is a fully featured audio media server. It doesn't support private RSS feeds and it's a little too much for what I want, so I built my own thing. But you might like it.


An RSS feed generator for media (audio/video).




