An Amazon Alexa Intrinio Skill
This is an API for the unofficial Intrinio Amazon Alexa skill: Market Savvy
Status: Published
"What was the opening price for Apple?" 120 dollars and 0 cents per share.
"What was the closing price for Amazon?" 844 dollars and 43 cents per share.
"What was the last price for Facebook?" 128 dollars and 94 cents per share.
"What is the 52 week low for Bank of America" $10.99 per share
"How many employees does Tesla have" 13,058
Clone project
npm i
to install dependencies.
npm install -g foreman
install node-foreman globally
Set these global vars:
(the amazon id in req needs to match the one in the environment to authenticate)INTRINIO_USERNAME
nf run nodemon app.js
to serve app locally.
Runs on node verion: 5.6.0
- add a db to store every request, intent, and if it was successfully responded to (for reporting and improving the service).
- create unit tests for each service
- create end-to-end tests