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⚠️ This repo has been moved to Kingstinct/zemble, and has been renamed to @zemble/react.


npm (scoped)

This is a utility library for React that we use across our projects at Kingstinct (still early days for this lib).

To import a utility the best is to import it directly: import useEvent from '@kingstinct/react/hooks/useEvent'

You can also use named imports, but if you're not having all dependencies installed you'll probably run into errors: import { useEvent } from '@kingstinct/react'

The goal of this library (and the related @kingstinct/utils) is to:

  • Keep the number of dependencies in projects down
  • Have a common place to put useful utilities, so they're easier to maintain and find
  • Quickly get up and running with new projects

We believe this is a better approach than the alternatives:

  • Using one single utility library for everything, which would introduce unnecessary dependencies
  • Using lots of micro-libs. Micro-libs does have it's advantages, but is harder to maintain and means loosing oversight of the dependencies in a project.
  • Copy pasting between projects :)

Storybooks and Expo

Currently the Storybooks implementation works for web and the example-app works with Expo for mobile.