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An accessible Vue.js color picker component.




npm install vue-accessible-color-picker


Register component locally

In a Vue single file component (SFC), import the ColorPicker plugin and register the component via the components property on the Vue instance. You can then use it in the file’s template section.

  <ColorPicker />

import { ColorPicker } from 'vue-accessible-color-picker';

export default {
  components: {

Unstyled component:

If you want to use the unstyled variant of the component, you need to adjust the import statement slightly:

import { ColorPicker } from 'vue-accessible-color-picker/dist/vue-accessible-color-picker-unstyled';

Register component globally

Registering a component globally allows you to use it in all Vue templates without the need to register it via an SFC’s components property first.

In your Vue project’s main.js file (i.e. where you call app.mount), import the ColorPicker plugin and register the component using app.component.

import { ColorPicker } from 'vue-accessible-color-picker';

app.component('ColorPicker', ColorPicker)

Unstyled component:

import { ColorPicker } from 'vue-accessible-color-picker/dist/vue-accessible-color-picker-unstyled';

app.component('ColorPicker', ColorPicker)




  • Description: Sets the color of the color picker. You can pass any valid CSS color string or an object matching the internal color representation for an HSL, HSV, HWB, or RGB color.

  • Type: string, ColorHsl, ColorHsv, ColorHwb, or ColorRgb

  • Required: false

  • Default: null

  • Usage:

    <ColorPicker color="hsl(270 100% 50% / 0.8)" />
    <ColorPicker color="#f80b" />
    <ColorPicker :color="{ h: 0.75, s: 1, l: 0.5, a: 0.8 }" />
      <ColorPicker :color="color" @color-change="updateColor" />
    export default {
      data() {
        return {
          color: 'hsl(270 100% 50% / 0.8)',
      methods: {
        updateColor (eventData) {
          this.color = eventData.cssColor


  • Description: A list of visible color formats. Controls for which formats the color input elements are shown and in which order the formats will be cycled through when activating the format switch button.

  • Type: VisibleColorFormat[]

  • Required: false

  • Default: ['hex', 'hsl', 'hwb', 'rgb']

  • Usage:

    <ColorPicker :visible-formats="['hsl', 'hwb']" />


  • Description: The color format to show by default when rendering the color picker. Must be one of the formats specified in visibleFormats.

  • Type: VisibleColorFormat

  • Required: false

  • Default: 'rgb'

  • Usage:

    <ColorPicker default-format="hwb" />


  • Description: The ID value will be used to prefix all input elements’ id and label elements’ for attribute values. Set this prop if you use multiple instances of the color-picker component on one page.

  • Type: string

  • Required: false

  • Default: 'color-picker'

  • Usage:

    <ColorPicker id="color-picker-1" />



  • Description: An input event is emitted each time the internal colors object is updated.

  • Data: The event emits an object containing both the internal colors object and a CSS color value as a string based on the currently active format.

      colors: {
        hex: string
        hsl: ColorHsl
        hsv: ColorHsv
        hwb: ColorHwb
        rgb: ColorRgb
      cssColor: string
  • Usage:

      <ColorPicker color="hsl(270 100% 50% / 0.8)" @color-change="updateColor" />
    export default {
      methods: {
        updateColor (eventData) {



  • Description: Overrides the content of the hue range input’s label element. The slot content is placed inside a span element.

  • Default content:



  • Description: Overrides the content of the alpha range input’s label element. The slot content is placed inside a span element.

  • Default content:



  • Description: Overrides the content of the copy button element.

  • Default content:

    Copy color


  • Description: Overrides the content of the format switch button element.

  • Default content:

    Switch format

Browser support

IE Edge Edge (Chromium) Firefox Chrome Safari
no 79 79 63 73 12.2

The component’s browser support is due to the use of Object.fromEntries(), CSS custom properties, and spread syntax in object literals.


The color picker consists of the following main elements:

  • Color space:

    For fine-tuning the saturation and lightness/value, a slice of the HSV cylinder for the currently selected hue is shown.

    The HSV cylinder is more convenient for this task as it shows a color at 100% saturation and 100% value in the top right corner (i.e. one can drag the color space thumb into the corner as a quasi shortcut). The HSL cylinder’s slice has the this colors at the halfway point of the Y axis (i.e. at 50% lightness) which isn’t easy to hit.

  • Hue slider:

    A slider for selecting the current hue. This rotates the HSV cylinder; thus, it changes the slice of the HSV cylinder that’s shown in the color space.

  • Alpha slider:

    A slider for selecting the current alpha value.

  • Copy button:

    Copies the color formatted as a CSS color string in the active format.

  • Color inputs:

    A set of text fields which allow you to enter the individual components of each color. The text fields are shown based on the active format.

  • Switch format button:

    Cycles through the available color formats (currently HEX, HSL, HWB, and RGB).